18 years ago the Dreamcast arrived in America |Levelup

Un día como hoy pero de 1999, SEGA lanzó el Dreamcast en América. Como bien sabes, se trata de la consola que representó el punto final de la compañía en el mercado de consolas; sin embargo, para los jugadores es una plataforma que ofreció experiencias de juego originales que hoy en día son vistas como clásicos.Hace 18 años el Dreamcast llegó a América | LevelUp Hace 18 años el Dreamcast llegó a América | LevelUp

The Dreamcast was the fourth home console of SEGA, and was born as an attempt to fix the stumbling blocks that were the Sega 32x and Sega Saturn.With the mistakes of the past in mind, Sega cooperated with Hitachi and Microsoft to make it easy to develop for the Dreamcast and that its production costs were not so high.

After years of development and a not so encouraging start in Japan, the Sega Dreamcast arrived in America on September 9, 1999 at a cost of $ 199 USD.The console debuted by the hand of 18 launch titles and in just 24 hours sold 224,132 units.His success did not stop, and for December of that same year he had already dispatched 1 million units.

Sadly, Sega received a hard blow when just over 1 year later Sony launched the PlayStation 2.Thanks to its power and that it offered a DVD player at relatively accessible price, Sony's new console made it seem that Dreamcast was an obsolete platform.To combat it, Sega launched a service that allowed players to use the Internet on their console - Seganet - as well as several important releases;But the damage was already done and the Dreamcast was discontinued on March 31, 2001.

Hace 18 años el Dreamcast llegó a América | LevelUp

Despite its unfortunate story, the Dreamcast sold 9.13 million units worldwide (4.64 million were sold in America) and currently has the honor of being seen as a revolutionary console that dared to do different things.The above is thanks to games like Seaman, Jet Grind Radio, Phantasy Star Online, Power Stone, Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia, which offered fun and unique experiences.In addition, the Dreamcast is also remembered by accessories such as the VMU or the microphone, which broke barriers.

The status of the Dreamcast as a cult console is evident when we take into account that it has an active and passionate community that to date continues to discover secrets about its titles.Not only that, there are also people who develop games for Dreamcast and their accessories.

And you, what do you think of Dreamcast?What is your favorite title of your catalog?Tell us in the comments.

Remember that here you will find more information related to the Dreamcast.