clothes to avoid to attend Mass

They say that "fashion is not uncomfortable", but some "fashions" are out of date according to different places, environments and people. ! We will be more careful in the Christian environment!

Quisiera a través de este artículo darles a conocer las 7 prendas más inadecuadas para asistir a la Santa Misa. More can be listed, but I hope these seven remain in our memory so that they can be avoided in the future. Some will be surprised (I'm not going to cause a commotion), but I would like to give some guidelines to dress better at Eucharist celebrations. This is mainly to form a general standard of help, especially for those who must teach others Catholic respect and love for the sacrament of the Eucharist.

¡Eyes! Antes de mencionarlos, es importante resaltar que estos son algunos criterios básicos, corresponde a cada uno hacer un discernimiento maduro de lo que es más adecuado dependiendo de las circunstancias que cada uno viva

¿What should we avoid wearing when we go to Mass?

1. Camisas deportivas (equipos de fútbol)

Si quiero ir al estadio a ver fútbol, permitido. If I want to take a walk in the park, allow it. But, To see your husband? Imagine showing sweatshirts in a church, full of colors and gear, seeing "messi" or "vidal" dozens of times when I look at the altar because they are on my brother's back. This can create rivalry, disgust, distraction or discomfort at the rally. As we all know, sportswear is worn in sports environment, so we must avoid using it for mass.

2. Short muy corto o minifalda

Para la playa está bien. The hot sun may be unbearable, but In church? Warmth is not an excuse for what we want to wear. More importantly, if we are warm, we can dedicate it to the Lord as a sign of love for Him. Shorts or miniskirts (in the case of women) are a piece of clothing that attracts great attention among human groups. How many more are there in the church! You can tell me the design, size or color, it doesn't matter. It's good to wear a skirt, but a miniskirt, no.

3. Chanclas de playa

Aunque muchos no lo crean, sucede. Particularly in the summer setting, Mass is celebrated between my home and the beach. ! It's always worth it! Let's not forget. Although it will take me longer to change my clothes and shoes, I will do so for the love of the Lord. Summer slippers are beaches, not churches. You put on more discreet shoes for Mass and then take them off and go to the beach. ' What is the problem? Laziness or comfort does not affect the dignity and sobriety prevalent in Catholic temples.

4. Sombreros o gorras

Reportar anuncios inapropiados | - 7 prendas de vestir que debes evitar para asistir a Misa

Mi madre decía: «dentro de la casa no se usa gorra», y ahí va de nuevo, ¡How many more are there in God's house! In addition to avoiding covering the eyes of other brothers, this is a good sign of respect. When you are with an important person, we take off our hat or hat and wave, at least this is the case before, and this is something we can't miss. Hats are used to protect themselves from the sun, but in church, What do we want to protect ourselves from? Better avoid it. You can remove it and place it next to the seat or under the reclining. It is ok to take them to church, but it is inappropriate to use them inside.

5. Escotes o camisas abiertas

Esto es parte de la moda de este siglo. Obviously, the premise is that "the more bodies you show, the better". This is not the case among Christians. We know that the body is a gift from God, and it is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so we carefully protect it. We don't show ourselves to everyone, which may cause distraction and provocation from others. Sincerely dislike seeing young people marching like this in the street, The more in church! We arranged it well, but it was worth it. Clothes are open and translucent, so it is best to stay at home. Our premise is "the more valuable the better".

6. Joyas, lujos y anillos exuberantes

Esto casi no habría que explicarlo. We all know that we don't show our property or show some kind of social status to the church. ! We will meet Jesus! Therefore, all the abundant jewels and decorations were left in the Mass. The sober the better. Some people will say to me: "Best for God", yes! But for God! , Don't show off your possessions. It is admirable that great entrepreneurs sometimes go to Mass and are even ignored because of the way they dress or treat others. With or without money won't take you to heaven. Charity with brothers and sisters and love for God! Yes! So you know, the jewelry in the house is well preserved. So, apart from preventing possible theft, we become another person in God's assembly, no one has a preference, and we are all children of God. In his letter, the Saints give us more information about this: "Let's suppose a man in a gold ring and a gorgeous dress enters your rally; There was also a poor man in dirty clothes who came in; You look at the man in gorgeous clothes and say to him, "You, sit here, in a good place"; But you say to the poor, "You, stand there" or "sit at my feet". ' Isn't this to distinguish yourself and become a judge with bad standards? " (James 2: 2-4).

7. Zapatos de fútbol

Todos sabemos el concepto de calzado deportivo. Let's do it again. It's sports. As we already know, sports are used in the context of sports, but In church? , ' What for? When we organize parish football matches, allow. But for Holy Mass, this is inappropriate. It is best to wear formal and careful shoes. Because it is useless to play football in mountain shoes, and it is also useless to attend Mass in sneakers.

Estas medidas no son para “encajar en un ambiente social”, como muchos podrán creer, sino para hacer de la Santa Misa un verdadero encuentro con el Señor, un lugar digno de recibirle, un lugar santo. As Christians and Catholics, we are asked to seek perfection, so clothes should not be an opportunity to return to virtue and identify with Christ. Cleanliness, etiquette, manners and distinction are basic habits that we must instill in future generations, especially in a world that is often tolerant.

«Cada Santa Misa tiene un valor infinito, inmenso, que nosotros no podemos comprender del todo: alegra a toda la corte celestial, alivia a las pobres almas del purgatorio, atrae sobre la tierra toda suerte de bendiciones y da más gloria a Dios que todos los sufrimientos de los mártires juntos, que las penitencias de todos los santos, que todas las lágrimas por ellos derramadas desde el principio del mundo y todo lo que hagan hasta el fin de los siglos» (Santo Cura de Ars).

¡Let us deserve to see the Lord!

Artículo originalmente publicado en Catholic-link