Merck announces that Molnupiravir reduces half a risk of death by covid

Merck pide en EEUU autorización para una píldora contra el covid 19Merck anunció el lunes que había solicitado la aprobación de emergencia en Estados Unidos de una píldora contra el covid-19, un remedio fácil de administrar que se prevé que se convierta en una herramienta crucial en la lucha contra la pandemia, ya que complementa las vacunas.

Molnupiravir is an antiviral drug administered orally in the form of capsules.






COVID-19 treatment

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12 de octubre 2021, 08:55 A. M.
Angie Nataly Ruiz Hurtado12 de octubre 2021, 08:55 A. M.

La compañía farmacéutica Merck & Co.’s anunció este viernes que el medicamento oral que desarrolla contra el covid-19, llamado molnupiravir, reduce el riesgo de muerte y hospitalización por el virus en un 50 %.(Also read: This is Molnupiravir, pill that would decrease Covid symptoms)

Molnupiravir, o MK-4482 / EIDD-2801, es un fármaco antiviral, administrado vía oral en forma de cápsulas. El medicamento es desarrollado por Merck & Co.’S and ridgeback biotherapeutics.According to studies published in 'Nature', the Molnupiravir works inducing an error catastrophe in the replication of the virus, which means that it produces many mutations in the virus leading to its transmission becoming unfeasible.El Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas de la Universidad Estatal de Georgia también encontró que el medicamento tendría un beneficio en “inhibir el progreso de los pacientes a una enfermedad grave, acortar la fase infecciosa y silenciar rápidamente los brotes locales”.According to Bloomberg, "Molnupiravir is designed for use in non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients who have had symptoms for five days or less and are at risk of a serious infection".(Also read: Vaccination: Thus they will receive those over 70 the third dose from today)

Los resultados anunciados este viernes corresponden al ensayo fase 3 del medicamento, que se llevó a cabo en pacientes adultos con covid-19 leve a moderado.The trial participants should be non -hospitalized patients and at risk of developing a serious infection, since they should have at least one risk factor associated with a bad evolution of the disease.In the statement, the company announced that “Molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 50 %;7.3 % of patients received by Molnupiravir were hospitalized or died until the 29th after randomization, compared to 14.1 % of patients treated with placebo ”.Además, ningún paciente que recibió el medicamento falleció, mientras que en el grupo que tomaba el placebo fallecieron 8 personas.The Molnupiravir also demonstrated constant effectiveness in the variants of the Gamma, Delta and Mu virus.Due to the positive results, the phase 3 test of the medicine will be interrupted in advance.Ahora, Merck planea enviar una solicitud de Autorización de Uso de Emergencia (EUA) a la FDA de that the medicine can begin its use.(Continue reading: 1.4 million of modern doses arrived: for children and second doses) if authorized, Molnupiravir could be the first oral antiviral medicine against COVID-19.Tras dar a conocer los resultados, Merck & Co.’S and ridgeback biotherapeutics celebraron que el medicamento puede convertirse en un paso importante para combatir la pandemia, teniendo en cuenta que se puede tomar en casa para evitar la llegada a un hospital en caso de contagiarse de covid-19.

Merck anuncia que molnupiravir reduce a la mitad riesgo de muerte por covid

The antiviral treatments that can be taken at home to keep people with COVID-19 outside the hospital are extremely necessary

"Since the virus continues to circulate widely and because the therapeutic options currently available are infused and/or require access to a medical care center, antiviral treatments that can be taken at home to keep people with COVID-19Outside the hospital they are extremely necessary, "said Wendy Holman, executive director of Ridgeback Biotherapeutics.The developed company expects to produce 10 million treatments by the end of 2021 and already has a purchase agreement with the United States government for 1.7 million doses of Molnupiravir.Time trends

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12 de octubre 2021, 08:55 A. M.
Angie Nataly Ruiz Hurtado12 de octubre 2021, 08:55 A. M.





COVID-19 treatment

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