Nazi looting to the Jews

El informe inicial de [Richard] Korherr, de dieciséis páginas, que computaba el total de judíos asesinados a 31 de diciembre de 1942, fue remitido aHimmler el 23 de marzo de 1943: el número de judíos "evacuados" se estimó en 1.873.539. Según la petición deHimmler, se preparó una estimación resumida paraHitler actualizada al 31 de marzo de 1943. Tenía una longitud de seis páginas y media. En esta segunda versión se ordenó a Korherr que sustituyese las palabras "trato especial"(a los judíos) por "transporte de judíos desde las provincias de la zona oriental a la Rusia del Este: pasaron por los campos en el Gobierno General a través de los campos en el Warthegau". No sabemos cuál es el número total al que se podría aludir o que se deduce de la segunda versión, pero debían de ser cerca de 2,5 millones. Korherr tituló ese informe "La Solución Final al problema judío europeo".(...)Saqueo nazi a los judíos Saqueo nazi a los judíos

Korher's report was a report of global progress [on the extermination of the Jews] that, let's remember,Hitler had tried to obtain since the middle of the summer of 1942.Was it pure chance that the Nazi leader received it just before his fifty -birthday, after Germany had suffered his worst military defeats?The document was returned at the end to the office of [Adolf] Eichmann with an observation ofHimmler: "The Führer has taken note: destroy it.H.H.".

During those same days, [Alfred] Rosenberg delivered a general report of the Jewish booty, explicitly for his leader's birthday: "My Führer -wrote the minister on April 16, 1943 -, with the desire to make him happy for his birthday, I allow myself to send him a file with photos of some of the paintings of greatest value without owner and in the hands of the Jews, achieved by my command in the western western countries.This file only transmits a weak impression of the extraordinary value and quantity of art objects confiscated by my agency in France and put to good collection in the Reich ".

Rosenberg added a written summary of all the treasures that his command had confiscated in the West.Hasta el 7 de abril de 1943, las "centrales de recuperación" del Reich habían recibido un total de 2.775 boxes of art objects and 92 cargo wagons;Of all those objects, 9.455 had already been inventoried, while "at least" ten thousand objects had to be processed yet.

Mientras el adulador regalo de cumpleaños de Rosenberg retrata al pensador más importante del nacionalsocialismo no sólo como un delincuente, sino también como una figura grotesca incluso para los parámetros nazis, el significado del otro regalo, el informe de Korherr, ya estuviese destinado al cumpleaños deHitler o no, es muy distinto, desde varios puntos de vista. En primer lugar, la formulación de una frase de Korherr fue corregida siguiendo órdenes deHimmler, para evitar asociar al Führer con una expresión ampliamente usada como referencia para el asesinato de masas.However, curiously, the new formulation "Transport to the East Russia(...) Paso through the fields "was as easily identifiable with mass murder as previous euphemism.In addition, historian Gerald Fleming observes, quite convincingly, that there was no possible error about the meaning of those words, since another part of the same document referred to the "collapse of the Jewish masses from the evacuation measures of 1942".

Fuera cual fuese el propósito de los ejercicios lingüísticos deHimmler, el informe de Korherr no es un simple estudio estadístico para guardar en un cajón en la historia de la Solución Final, en un departamento que se ocupaba del número de víctimas.That is part, of course, but it is also much more.Himmler envió el informe deHitler -o se lo enseñó- bien porque el líder nazi lo había pedido, bien porque el jefe de las SS sabía que a su Führer le encantaría verlo.(...)

Throughout the twelve years that the third Reich lasted, the looting of Jewish properties became its essence.That was the aspect of the anti -Jewish campaign that was more easily understood and to which more people surrendered, rationalizing it, if necessary, through the simplest ideological principles.But even looting found unexpected problems in each phase, especially during the extermination years.In spite of all this, the serious threats, the theft and corruption eluded all the controls until the end, although the financial agencies of the Reich and the bureaucracy of the SS tried to have under their control all the operations, large and small.

In the local aspect, in the same places of death, the procedure was simple.The victims, groups of Jews from Vilna to those who were going to kill in ordering, for example, gave everything that had value to the SD man in command of the operation;After killing them, the members of the command examined their belongings again and any value of value that remained had to be given to the guard officer, under penalty of death.Complaints for hiding Jews or any other crime related to them were also rewarded.One of those lucky blows fell to Frau Meyer, in Riga.As a neighbor had denounced for staying with a Jewish property, he was allowed to buy a gold bracelet at a ridiculous price.

Saqueo nazi a los judíos

Of course, the most important operations were centralized in the capital of Reich.In Berlin, the requisitioned gold - even dental crowns torn from the mouth of the bodies - normally melted in Degussa and was often mixed with gold from other origin, and converted into ingots for the Reichsbank.Other metals were also melted, except if the value of the article itself was greater than its value as a molten metal.According to historian Michael Macqueen, the most valuable objects were delivered to a few trusted jewels of the Ministry of Finance or SS, and were exchanged in busy or neutral countries by industrial diamonds, essential for the German war industry.Subsequently, the activities of one of those intermediaries have been rebuilt, which worked mainly with Swiss agents, and it seems that the Bern authorities were very aware of the transactions that were being carried out and the constant supply of industrial diamonds to the Reich, despiteof the economic measures of war that the allies had imposed.

As of mid-1942, most of the victims' belongings were stacked in the most important death centers of the "Aktion Reinhardt" and in Auschwitz-Birkenau when the exterminations reached their culminating point.At the beginning of August 1942, negotiations between the WVHA and all the central agencies of finance and economy of the Reich were specified in an agreement according to which the main office of Pohl would centralize and break down the whole loot.Himmler informó a losHSSPF de la decisión y nombró oficialmente a Pohl para su nueva función.

After a few weeks, specifically on September 26, Pohl's assistant, SS-Brigadeführer August Frank, issued a series of new guidelines that regulated all the use and distribution of the Jewish spoils obtained in the fields, from precious stones to "blankets, umbrellas, baby strollers "," glasses with gold mount "," female underwear "," shaving utensils, pocket knives, scissors "and the like.The prices were established by the WVHA: "A couple of used pants: 3 frames; a wool blanket: 6 frames".The final warning was essential: "Check that all Jewish stars have been eliminated from clothes before sending it.Look well in themselves all the hidden or sewn valuable objects of all the articles to be sent "have been removed".

As for the articles that should be transferred to the Reichsbank, Pohl named the SS-HaUtsturmführer Bruno Melmer to be directly in charge of the operation.While the first deliveries of valuable objects of the fields were deposited in the "Melmer account" on August 26, all precious metals, foreign currency, jewels and others were delivered to the Albert Thom's precious metal section of the Reichsbank, forUse them later.

Throughout the continent, the furniture and domestic items that the Jews possessed were, as we have seen, domain of the Rosenberg agency.A note without date of his office, probably written at the end of the fall of 1942 or early 1943, gave a succinct perspective of the distribution process.While part of the furniture were assigned to the offices of the Rosenberg Ministry in the East Territories, the majority of the loot was delivered or sold in auction to the population of Reich.

On October 31, 1942, the Führer agreed with the proposal of the Minister of Reich Alfred Rosenberg to grant priority attention to people who suffered damage to the bombings in the Reich, and ordered that, in the execution of the project, the entireassistance was given to the West Office, and that the transport should be dispatched as goods of the Wehrmacht.

Until now, using the free cargo space in transport, 144 have been drawn.809 cubic meters of domestic goods of the territories occupied in the West.

Parte del material fue entregado a las siguientes ciudades alemanas: Oberhausen, Bottrop, Recklinghausen, Münster, Düsseldorf, Colonia, Osnabrück,Hamburgo, Lübeck, Rostock y Karlsruhe.

Huge amounts of goods from the fields - in the territories controlled by POHL, Globocnik and Greiser - had to be repaired before sending them to the German agencies or markets;The clothes were prosecuted with particular care: the stars had to be removed, as we have seen;Blood and other body spots were washed;and natural wear was fixed as much as possible in the SS clothing workshops.Who decided which articles could be repaired and who had the responsibility of calculating the degree of acceptable deterioration is still clear.You couldn't send tens of thousands of socks stuck to Reich detail stores.At the end of the spring of 1942 this matter was raised, without receiving an answer, in one of the Auschwitz crematoriums following an incident that Filip Müller has described.

Müller, who was Slovak Jew, arrived in Auschwitz in April 1942. Acababa de ser transferido al Sonderkommando(...): That was his initiation, so to speak, under the supervision of the SS-ATerscharführer Stark.As was common during those months, they had gased a group of sliding Jews with the clothes set.

"Undoubble to those cold cuts!" He screamed Stark, and hit Müller a blow.

Before me, Müller remembers - the body of a woman lay.With trembling hands and the whole agitated body I began to remove the stockings.It was the first time I played a dead body.The woman was not cold yet.While the average down the leg, it broke.Stark, who had been looking at me, hit me again and screamed: "What do you think you are doing? Be careful, and hurry up! These things are to use them again!".To teach us how to do so began to remove the socks of another female corpse.But he didn't get them off without making a little career.

Hamburg has been studied thoroughly.In 1942, only this city arrived 45 cargoes of confiscated goods to the Dutch Jews;They represented a net weight of 27.227 tons.Approximately one hundred thousand inhabitants acquired some of the stolen belongings in auctions in the port. Según una testigo, "sencillas amas de casa de repente llevaban abrigos de pieles, negociaban con café y con joyas, tenían muebles antiguos y alfombras deHolanda o de Francia que habían conseguido en el puerto".

In 1943 the valuations and inventories of confiscated Jewish goods were frequent at all levels of the Nazi system.The total value of the "Jewish belongings" achieved during the Aktion Reinhardt until December 15, 1943 was estimated at the headquarters of the Lublin operation in a total of 178 178.745.960.59 Reichsmark.This official estimate, signed by the SS-Sturmbannführer Georg Wippern, was sent to the WVHA [Main Office of Business Administration] on January 5, 1944 from Trieste, the headquarters of the new destination of Globocnik. Parece que es una secuela tardía de un mensaje del 15 de enero de 1943 deHimmler tanto a Krüger como a Pohl:

On my visit to Warsaw - I repeated the Reichsführer - I also inspected the warehouses that contained the material and the requisitioned goods to the Jews, that is, to the emigration of the Jews. Pido de nuevo al SS-Obergruppenführer Pohl que prepare un acuerdo escrito con el ministro de Economía -seguíaHimmler- con respecto a cada categoría individual; por ejemplo, si se trata de cristales de reloj, de los cuales allí se encuentran cientos de miles, incluso puede que millones, y que a efectos prácticos se podrían distribuir a los relojeros alemanes, o si se trata de maderas torneadas.

Después de añadir algunos ejemplos más,Himmler advertía: "Creo que, en conjunto, no podemos ser demasiado precisos".And after giving more instructions, he added: "I ask the SS-Obergruppührer Pohl to clarify and prepare these issues until the last detail, since the strictest precision at the moment will save us many tribulations later".Three weeks later, Pohl sent a detailed relationship of textile items collected in Lublin and Auschwitz: 825 rail cargo cars filled.

A general looting and expropriation of the Jewish victims of Europe cannot occur.Orchestured and implemented throughout the continent first and first of all by the Germans, local officials, police, neighbors or anyone who passed through the place in Amsterdam or Kovno, in Warsaw or Paris extended in Paris.It included the appropriation of houses, the looting of domestic objects, furniture, art collections, libraries, dresses, bedding;It meant the seizure of bank accounts and insurance policies, the theft of warehouses or industrial or commercial companies, the devaluation of corpses: woman's hair, gold teeth, earrings, rings, watches, artificial members, fountainrs, glasses...;In summary, it was about appropriating everything that could be used, exchange or sell.I also understood forced labor, mortal medical experiments, forced prostitution, loss of wages, pensions or any imaginable income...and the loss of lives, millions.And broken socks when stripping the bodies.

On July 1, 1943, the thirteenth ordinance of the Reich Citizenship Law was signed by the Ministers of Interior, Finance and Justice.The first paragraph of article 2 read: "The property of a Jew will be confiscated by the Reich after his death".

The years of extermination. El Tercer Reich y los judíos(1939-1945).Saul Friedländer.Gutenberg Galaxy/ Readers Circle.Price: 39 euros.