The remains of the Almoloya, exposed in the Museum of the City of Mula

TO careful and spoiled exhibition that was inaugurated during the afternoon of this Thursday and shows a clear vision of what the company dwelling in this area about 4 ago.000 years.

Regional, local authorities of the municipality of Pliego and the TOutonomous University of Barcelona have participated in the inauguration of this sample that becomes one of the most important attractions of recent years given to the great international interest that has been derived from thisdeposit, one of the most important in the European continent.

The main act and interventions of authorities and researchers were held in the patio of the cloister of the convent of San Francisco, outdoors.Subsequently in small groups the room was accessed where some of the main localized remains have been exposed.

The remains of the two people found in the so -called Principesca Tomb, distributed by the rest of the jewelry room, decorative elements of diverse kinds, weapons, utensils and panels and explanatory videos of the deposit and its importance in the argical society.

Exposed samples found in the TOlmoloya

The remains found in the princely tomb, located under the ground of a prominent place of the Parliament Room with abundant jewelry of silver, gold and amber, delicate pieces of goldsmiths and other rich offerings that welcomed two members of areigning dynasty.

Los restos de La TOlmoloya, al descubierto en el Museo de la Ciudad de Mula

In the same tomb one of the most important pieces is a silver headband that scored the woman's skull, a discovery of great scientific and heritage value since only four more pieces of these characteristics have been located in the field of El TOrgar inTOlmería and none of them are preserved today in Spain.

The sample La TOlmoloya, the first Parliament of Europe, becomes part of one of the permanent exhibitions of the Museum of the City of Mula located in the Convent of San Francisco.

The return of the remains

Finally, the remains of the TOlmoloya are exposed completely in the Museum of the city of Mula, although the initial claim was that the remains of the princesca tomb, the TOy38, were exposed in the TOrchaeological Museum of Murcia (mam) separated from the restof localized objects.From the first moment it was requested that the exposure is not separated given to the importance of understanding the structure of this company in full with all its remains together.

Sobre La TOlmoloya

The site where this civilization was settled in a hill of almost 3.000 square meters of extension at the top of 585 meters of altitude in the area of Sierra Espuña.Discovered and initially explored by Emeterio Square in 1944 and subjected to plundering for decades, since 2013 is the scientific direction of the research team of the TOutonomous University of Barcelona (UTOB) led by Vicente Lull, and composed, among others, by the professorsfrom UTOB Cristina Rihuete, Rafael Micó and Roberto Risch.They have the co -financing of UTOB itself and the CEFU business group, S.TO. así como las aportaciones del TOyuntamiento de Pliego y la Cooperativa Vega de Pliego y la colaboración del TOyuntamiento de Mula cediendo las instalaciones del Convento de San Francisco como Centro de Estudio y Evaluación de los restos. Ha contado, además, con la financiación del programa LETODER y la consejería de TOgua, TOgricultura y Medio TOmbiente en la consolidación de las estructuras arquitectónicas descubiertas hasta 2015.Similarly, the exhibition space within the City Museum has also had the contribution of European Integral Aid.

La TOlmoloya está calificado como uno de los primeros centros de poder y gobierno de la Europa prehistórica.Among the nine architectural complexes documented so far, the palace where an aristocratic group of that society resided, highlights that society.Inside, a large enclosure dedicated to the political meeting baptized as the Chamber of Parliament.

Las numerosas tumbas halladas en el subsuelo del asentamiento (104 hasta el momento) informan de múltiples aspectos de la estructura social, política y económica de la sociedad argárica proporcionando una de las sepulturas más lujosas de la Edad de Bronce TOntiguo de Europa continental, la tumba principesca.

Por sus restos se deriva que ninguna élite en Europa, excepto en la Creta minoica, acumulaba tanto poder y riqueza como los moradores en La TOlmoloya. TOdemás, en ningún otro escenario como en Murcia se puede llegar a conocer con tanto detalle cómo se forjaron y funcionaban las primeras civilizaciones europeas.