Zeidy López: Tica was held at Mexico airport for more than 24 hours, without communication |The nation

Zeidy López Vargas planeó ir a México a pasar su cumpleaños número 40 con una familia cristiana, que conoció en redes sociales, y que la invitó a pasear en ese país durante unmes.Zeidy López: tica fue retenida en aeropuerto de México pormás de 24 horas, sin comunicación | La Nación Zeidy López: tica fue retenida en aeropuerto de México pormás de 24 horas, sin comunicación | La Nación

He affirms that, upon arriving at Benito Juárez airport, in Mexico City, the previous Friday, themigratory policemen asked for an invitation letter from the host family.

However, as he did not carry it, they retained it in a room;She took her cell phone, documents, her shoes, her bag, her earrings, jewelry and a clock.

This happened, although she gave them the address where she was going to be, the phone numbers of those who invited her, and although her ticket had a return date.

The relatives of the woman in Costa Rica, seeing that she was not reported for hours and worried because she was going to visit strangers, raised the complaint for disappearance before the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ), who announced the case this Saturday.

The OIJ said the family lost contact with López in El Salvador where he stopped.Also, he pointed out that he was going tomeet aman who contacted on social networks, which, the woman added, is false.

Zeidy López: tica fue retenida en aeropuerto de México pormás de 24 horas, sin comunicación | La Nación

[Woman disappears when traveling to Mexico tomeetman who contacted social networks]

The woman, who works as amanicurist, said she was held from Friday at 11: 40 to.m.Until Saturday, at 3 p.m.

He was returned to Costa Rica, but he had to stop in Colombia.He could communicate with his family until 4 p.m.of Saturday.

He arrived in Bogotá at 7:25 p.m., he spent there the night and, finally, he arrived at Costa Rica at 9:30 a.m..m.This Sunday.She was received by her daughter and took her home in Carrizal de Alajuela.

“Me quitaron todo,me quitaronmis pertenencias, hasta los zapatos, yme encerraron en un cuarto con unas personas, sin ninguna justificación.

“Varias veces que preguntaba pormi situación, yo lloraba, que por lomenosme dejaran enviar unmensaje ami familia; dijeron que no y que yo era una taruga, queme sentará, nome dejaban levantarme, nos gritaban, nosmaltrataron, no habíamos comido nada.

“Mi teléfono ymi pasaporteme dijeron que nome los iban a devolver hasta que estuviera en Costa Rica, como una delincuenteme trataron “, relató López.

Niega que ella fuera a conocer a un hombre que contactó por Facebook, como lo indicó el OIJ, y que hubo una confusión ya que ella se iba a encontrar con un hombre de la familia quien la iba a recogerla en el aeropuertomexicano.

He states that, before climbing it to the plane to send it to Colombia, at the Mexico airport, they gave him the bag, but he noticed that there were not his watch or his jewels that were gold.

“Reclamé yme dijeron ‘aquí nadie roba’.I asked to check the cameras but they refused saying that the plane was already going to leave, ”he explained.

Para ir al baño, durante su estancia en el cuarto del aeropuertomexicano, debía ir acompañada por un oficial.They allowed him to go to a bathroom of men who, he said, was "dirty and urinated". Además, afirma que no les dieron de comer a ella y a los que estaban allí, sino hasta lamedianoche del viernes.

“The room was a kind of cell, if anyone was cold and took one of the blankets they scold us, they shouted us. Cuando preguntaba, los oficiales solo decían que los costarricenses eran unos tarugos”,manifestó lamujer.

The family that was going to visit was from the state of Chiapas;This was the first time López was traveling abroad.As he explained, the family gave him the plane ticket to visit them.

This Sunday afternoon, even in shock and without being able to eat, López was going to go to the OIJ to withdraw the complaint, he said they will denounce the migration officers before the consultation of Mexico.