Candidiasis in pregnancy: how to prevent and treat it

La candidiasis en el embarazo es una infección vaginal que se puede producir durante la gestación por el crecimiento de hongos, debido a una elevación de los niveles de estrógenos.Candidiasis en el embarazo: cómo prevenirla y tratarla Candidiasis en el embarazo: cómo prevenirla y tratarla

(You are interested: hormonal changes in pregnancy)

In general, it does not have too much importance, since it is a mild infection, which causes symptoms that can be annoying, but that are not dangerous, and that usually disappear after a short time if they are treated properly.

However, it is important to detect and treat candidiasis to avoid possible complications.

Candidiasis en el embarazo: cómo prevenirla y tratarla

Candida Albicans

Symptoms of candidiasis

The main symptoms that may indicate the presence of this vaginal infection are:

Tips for preventing candidiasis in pregnancy

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are the causes of candidiasis in pregnancy, since they can alter the balance of vaginal pH.For this reason, it is difficult to prevent it.

However, it is possible to reduce its appearance and duration with some recommendations and following good food and hygiene habits:

How to treat candidiasis in pregnancy?

The most frequent treatment for candidiasis is topical, either in the form of vaginal creams or ovules that act on the focus of infection.They can be applied in a single dose, or in the form of multiple doses, with a duration of three to five days.

Only oral medication is usually used, as a complement to topical medications, when candidiasis is characterized by being severe and is associated with a malfunction of the immune system.

Dra.Ruth Aguiar Couto Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecologíadel Ron Team of the Quirónsalud Hospital A Coruña