Driving at night: this is what you should know to do so safely

Ya inmersos en pleno otoño y con el comienzo del invierno en el horizonte, los conductores sabemos que las horas de sol escasean y es seguro que tendremos que circular durante más tiempo sin luz natural.Conducir de noche: esto es lo que debes saber para hacerlo con seguridad Conducir de noche: esto es lo que debes saber para hacerlo con seguridad

Similarly, during the warmer months of the year many people must move or travel during the night, so becoming aware of the following tips to do so with greater confidence and security is useful throughout the year.

Driving tips for sure at night

There is no doubt that it is always important to have the vehicle in good condition, especially with regard to tires, brakes, suspensions or address, which make a difference in security.

Conducir de noche: esto es lo que debes saber para hacerlo con seguridad

We must not wait for the sun to get, it is better to turn on the lights in advance to see and be seen

But, beyond that, there are other aspects to take into account when we drive during the night, regardless of whether we do it on short or long trips.Are the following:


The vehicle

Habits that help

How to avoid sleep or how to know if we fall asleep

The biological clock of our body is much more powerful than it may seem, so it enters within normal that during the night begins to reduce its activity and the sleep appears.

Sometimes it is impossible to fight him and we will have no choice but to stop and sleep, but there are some habits that can help us delay it:

To know if we are sleeping, the clues that give the eyes such as tearing, tired view or eye itch will indicate that we are tired and that we must stop, because our body already begins to be at the limit of their energies.Other symptoms are yawn or feeling of restlessness.

Let's keep in mind that, circulating at 120 km/h, we travel 33 meters per second.Close your eyes a small time space can make us crash or get out of the road, suffering a serious accident or even death.Worth?