Is sweat normal in the crotch?We tell you how to avoid it

¿Recuerdas la primera vez que te diste cuenta de que la zona que rodea a tu vagina se ponía sudorosa sin que pudieras hacer nada por evitarlo? Tal vez fue ese día que hiciste tanto ejercicio o que pasaste horas caminando bajo el sol. Sea como fuere, seguro que llegaste al baño y te asustaste al verte en el espejo la ropa interior tan mojada. No es para menos.¿Es normal el sudor en la entrepierna? Te decimos cómo evitarlo ¿Es normal el sudor en la entrepierna? Te decimos cómo evitarlo

Swear for the armpits, on the forehead and, sometimes, even in the back or hands, is normal but, sweat around the vagina?What is that?To be honest, nothing.Even if we know the reason and it is nothing to be alarmed, it is a nuisance.

Para tu tranquilidad, la sudoración en el área de la entrepierna es complemente normal.It happens to everyone.The human body sweats wherever there are sweat glands.And there are sweat glands throughout the vulva area, which as you know is the outer area that surrounds the vagina.

A reminder: your vagina is internal - we are not going to tell you at this point where it is located and how its depths are accessed - and there are no sweat glands.So you can say that the vagina is sweating, not only because it is an expression of the most foul, but because it is also a lie.

However, there are sweat glands around your vagina.These specifically exist where there is hair, and therefore, they are close to the vulva: on the major lips, the pubis and the groin.Seen in this way, the English do not seem so different from the armpits, because like these, the English also join the limbs with the trunk.Some unite the arms and others the legs, it is understood.Knowing this, the most correct way to call this "sweat of the vagina" is perspiration of the crotch.

¿Es normal el sudor en la entrepierna? Te decimos cómo evitarlo

So, is it possible to have too much perspiration in the crotch?As we have seen, a little sweat in the area that surrounds the vulva is nothing to worry about.We all sweat in that area, and it can be something more excessive while we exercise or when we are very hot.So, instead of feeling so dirty when you see a spot of sweat in your yoga pants, consider taking it as a sign of having performed intense training (you are worth it!).

However, some people sweat more than doctors consider normal, and this problem can really interfere with their daily lives. Ese tipo de sudoración excesiva se llama hiperhidrosis.While people with hyperhidrosis sweat more than most people by the head, armpits, hands and feet, sometimes they can also have an extremely intense sweating in the genital area.Whether in one area or another, if you are sweating more than you can absorb your clothes when you are not practicing sports or be too hot, you must go to a specialist.It makes no sense to continue living in inhibition or shame for discomfort and sweat spots.

What can you do to keep the English area dry?There are several options. En primer lugar, prueba con un anti transpirante tópico.It's not like a normal deodorant.While these masking the smell of sweat, anti -breathtantes temporarily obstruct the sweat glands so that physically sweats less.Watch keep the product away from the vagina to reduce the risk of infection of a potentially irritating product.

Otra alternativa son las inyecciones de Botox en el área de la ingle.This may sound scary, but it is generally safe and super effective.While most of us know the botox for their ability to soften wrinkles, the famous injection is also used to stop excessive sweating, as it suppresses the sweat glands so they do not sweat so much, and also last a long time.As a general rule, you will have to repeat the injections twice a year, that is, you will get six full months of sweat suppression.

Sin embargo, hay algunas otras soluciones temporales que podrías probar, especialmente si tu sudor no es tan molesto.If you do not have hyperhidrosis but the crotch is usually irritated because of perspiration, you can try to absorb sweat with a talcum product for babies (applied to the skin of the vulva, not from the vaginal, remember).This option will not stop sweat, it will simply absorb moisture.But it can help you if, on a hot day, you are worried.

In summary accounts: there is absolutely nothing wrong to sweat around the crop and definitely you are not alone in this. Pero si sudas tanto que interfiere en tu vida cotidiana, debes acudir a un dermatólogo.They will help you control the problem.