Is there clothing allergy?

Madrid, Jul 2.(Infosalus) -

Clothing textiles are made up of fibers of different types such as cotton, linen, wool, nylon or polyester.Clothing, in general, does not give allergy problems, however some people suffer from intolerance to clothes or tissues and do not have to become allergic to some component of it.

Clothing allergy

As Dr. Ana Giménez Arnau, dermatologist and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), explains to Infosalus, the case of clothing intolerance is common in those who have an atopic constitution, their skin is dry and they present morerespiratory allergies.

, says Giménez Arnau.

We must distinguish between this intolerance and the allergy in which an immune memory is developed in front of something after being exposed.There is an immediate allergy such as allergic asthma mediated by dust mites, cat or dog dandruff, pollenes or food allergy after intake of some food such as prawns such as prawns.From a certain moment in life, these elements are stopped and an immunological memory mediated by immuglobulin and.

Another type of allergies are reaction delayed by skin contact with low weight molecules such as formaldehyde or nickel.They occur when touching chemical substances capable of penetrating the surface of the skin and leading to the development of immune memory through T lymphocyte cells that are always activated against that molecule for which they have developed memory.

¿Existe alergia a la ropa?

Thus, skin lesions must be distinguished between eczema, produced by mechanical intolerance that can produce itch but are not allergic or eccema produced by memory lymphocytes against a chemical contained in textile.If it is suspected that it is for this reason, the patch tests that measure this delayed allergic reaction must be carried out.


The test to determine if there is contact dermatitis is not a punctured test or by intake but a patch with chemical substances whose reaction is examined from 48 hours and even at 5 or 6 days, usually in theback skin.

Up to 40 substances in the patches battery can be included, including nickel, perfumes or textile components."In the study of contact allergy, what hurts and it is not usually easy to avoid it because in the labeling of the clothing all the elements involved in their manufacturing process are not included.

It is a specialized dermatologist who must perform the patch test and determine if there is an allergy of contact since special series of allergen substances contained in special batteries are created or from the clothing itself.These specialists are included in the Spanish group in contact dermatitis research and cutaneous allergy linked to the Spanish Dermatology Academy (AEDV).

The most frequent substances of the textiles must induce allergic eczema by contact include substances used in the prepared preparation such as formaldehyde and coloring components as for the black dye (para-phenilendiamine) that causes cross reactions with orange and red andNavy blue is also able to induce contact allergy.

Causes of allergies to clothes

The causes of intolerances are found in a dry skin, in the case of allergies when there is no pattern there is no pattern.The treatment of symptoms is performed with antihistamines and corticosteroids and is only prevented by avoiding contact with what hurts.Although it is not a problem that puts life at risk, it can alter the quality of life of those who suffer from it and cause reduced or extensive eczema located in areas where clothes touches like armpits or thighs or thighs.

Textile contact dermatitis

Textile contact dermatitis is an uncommon allergy although it makes a bit of five years there.The component, familiar to the public when presenting in small anti -humery sachets, was prohibited in the European Union and then caused the withdrawal of thousands of shoes and sofas.