The secret of Pilar Rubio so that his tan is the protagonist (in bikini or underwear)

De acuerdo, es muy probable que la mayoría de las personas que se dan like a sus posts en lencería y traje de baño lo hagan fijándose en sus curvas por encima de todo. Pero nosotras no podemos evitar fijarnos en su envidiable tono de piel. El fin de año lo pasó junto a su familia en una playa de Cabo Verde y aprovechó para tomar el sol y dorar su piel en pleno invierno. Pero de aquello hace ya un mes y el bronceado desaparece rápido si no lo cuidas. Nosotras sabemos cuál es el secreto de Pilar Rubio para que cada vez que enseña piel su cuerpo se vea dorado y brillante.El secreto de Pilar Rubio para que su bronceado sea el protagonista (en bikini o ropa interior) El secreto de Pilar Rubio para que su bronceado sea el protagonista (en bikini o ropa interior)

For a tan to look as extremely sublime as yours, the skin must be prepared for safe sun exposure."The sun provides multiple benefits, but it is necessary, Director of R&D I+D of the Advanced Nutrichetic Method of 180 The Concept, a plan that brings together all the necessary assets to fight the photo-aging and prepare the skin for a safe, uniform and sublime tan.

Betacarotene is one of the ingredients that acts as an internal protector, prevents the deterioration of cells and tissues while stimulating a golden tan and acts as an antioxidant when transforming into vitamin A if the body requires it.The best natural sources of Betacatorno are yellow and orange vegetables and fruits such as carrot, pumpkin, papaya, mango, peach or nectarine (to mention some).Or you can include it in your body through nutrichetic supplements.

El secreto de Pilar Rubio para que su bronceado sea el protagonista (en bikini o ropa interior)

Another of the fundamental points and that people usually confuse contrary, is exfoliation.Doing it twice a week guarantees you to extend the tan much longer than expected."This will cause dead skin surface cells to disappear and your skin looks smoother and more uniform, benefiting the homogeneity of the tan you get," says Mar Sieira, pharmacist and founder of Sarah Becquer.If to this, you must add a complete hydration and cosmetic ritual that promotes the brightness of your skin as oils or creams that provide a slight golden veil.

Of course, you can also sustain your natural tan with the help of autonncers that prolong the durability of your skin color as your body tone loses intensity.

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