Why breast size is important to exercise

Si superas la talla 90 de sujetador, hacer deporte es todo un reto. Actividades como el 'running' o saltar a la comba se convierten en una pesadilla de dimensiones únicamente comparables a la copa de tu sostén. Por qué el tamaño de los senos es importante para hacer ejercicio Por qué el tamaño de los senos es importante para hacer ejercicio

For many of them, breast discomfort is a fact that they have to live together, especially when it comes to training.And it is not surprising: there are several investigations that show that they move in all directions when doing physical exercise.Not only from top to bottom, also from side to side.In addition, these painful movements have a very negative effect on your health.

¿Grandes pechos? El cuerpo perfecto de la mujer, según ellos y ellas
M. Palmero

An investigation carried out in 2015 discovered that, for 249 women surveyed, breast -related problems were the fourth largest impediment to exercise (after energy and motivation, time and health limitations).They also explained why: they could not find the right sports bra, experienced chest pain or felt as they trained while training.In addition, a research group from the University of Portsmouth indicated that one in five women refuses to exercise due to the size of their neckline.

Fitness for all

There are perfect movements for those who have a lot of chest and some exercises you can do to reinforce the area.It is also very important to choose a good sports bra who adapts to the needs of each.The size of the bra must be correct, and for that it is essential to try it: the tape under the bust must be adjusted, but not cut the circulation.As for the cup, if you use a small (a or b) the 'bra' must be compression, top type;If it is large (c or d) you must pick up the chest but not compress it, better if you pick up a breast on each side.

Por qué el tamaño de los senos es importante para hacer ejercicio

If you like sport and you don't want

It all depends on the sport you are going to do.Depending on the degree of impact, you must choose a garment with greater or lesser subjection.As a general rule, those who do the best are those who have swimmer back.In addition, according to new research, not only women with larger breasts did less than those with smaller breasts, but this happened at all ages and body mass rates (BMI).

Size Matters

Do not abandon the exercise.Foresee the inconvenience before leaving your body.Make movements that involve the pectoral zone: they help maintain a strong musculature and make the chest settle better.The ideal is the chest flexions or 'push-ups': you can start doing standing in front of a wall, then on the ground, but resting the knees and, finally, on the tip of the feet.

One in five women refuses to exercise due to the size of their neckline and is the fourth impediment to playing

To make cardio, if your chest bothers you, it is best to devote yourself to activities that do not have much impact, such as the bicycle: spinning is an ideal way of working your legs and heart without having to go through these troubles.The elliptical, the rowing machine and the swimming are also good options.Pay special attention to posture.If you chatter forward so that they move little, you are likely to suffer in the lumbar area.Be careful not to suffer and choose your support well.