Amazon crushes the prices of the most exquisite Iberian ham for Christmas: 9 kilos

Amazon has put up for sale one of the best pieces of Iberian ham at a scandalous price. This Christmas we will be able to enjoy, both in Jerez de la Frontera and in the rest of Spain, an Iberian ham that will seem like pure gold to our palates.

Jeff Bezos's company does not want anyone to be left without one of the star dishes this Christmas, and if it can be with a high quality Iberian ham, much better.

The most exquisite Iberian ham on Amazon

In this sense, Amazon has launched an exquisite product of high quality and maximum luxury for a fairly cheap price. We are talking about a piece of Iberian ham with 50% fat of 9 kilos from the company Oro Puro, which we can find for 213.07 euros.

But although for some people, disbursing this amount of money in the month of December may become impossible, Amazon makes it even easier: we will have the opportunity to finance it at 0% APR for 17.76 euros per month for 1 year.

In addition, if we buy this Iberian cebo ham on Amazon we can have it for free at our home, whether in Jerez or anywhere in Spain, in just 3 days.

But, what is it that makes this Iberian ham of Oro Puro unique? What makes this ham of great quality is the food given to the pig, since it is an animal that has been fed on feed rich in Omega 3.

In this way, they obtain a product with an infiltrated fat that melts at a lower temperature and leaves that pleasant aftertaste in the mouth that we always look for in an Iberian ham.

Different kinds of Iberian ham

Surely you have heard on more than one occasion that "pata negra" hams are the most famous for their quality and flavour. Well, there are several ways to label the origin of a ham and it goes by colours. The rest of the labels are as follows: