A "dirty wig" united Samantha Hudson and Samantha Vallejo Nágera before MasterChef

That's it, I just bought other maracas.

If you feel your hands sweat, your pupils dilate,

your heart rate accelerates and you are invaded by euphoria,

It's not that you fell in love.

You are a compulsive shopper.

Who has not bought some bullshit just for the high?

How has the pandemic affected

in the growth of online shopping?

Why do we experience the arrival of packages as something loving?

Is it compatible to have a responsible consumption

with being an unconscious buyer? Inside "Genplayz".

Hello, how are you?

Welcome and welcome to "Genplayz".

The program formerly presented by Inés, but Inés... RIP

In peace. "Requiescat in pace", which is said in Latin.

Inés is no longer here, now I am.

Inés, I am very comfortable here, you, at home, calm down.

Torea a little to the Rumba, the things that you want to do.

I'm very comfortable, don't be in a hurry.

Today we are going to talk about shopping.

Compulsive shopping.

Of what happens in the brain.

Are we loading the planet with so many packages?

I don't know, we'll see it here today.

And I'm not going to tell you what's going on,

but this video will tell you better,

because the audiovisual much better.

"Buying ceased to be a mere activity a long time ago.

to cover basic needs

and we pass to the consumer society".

"In which we individuals become

in compulsive consumers and waste

in invented needs".

"With the exponential rise of online shopping,

the constant bombardment of personalized advertising,

according to our interests".

"And the transformation of social networks into stores,

purchases are becoming more and more unnecessary.

"And compulsive."

"But what happens in our brain when we buy?"

"How does neuromarketing manipulate us so that we don't go out

of that vicious circle?

"Can it become addictive?"

50% on all medieval products.

And I came out in medieval armor.

"Did you really need to buy that popcorn maker

Why are you only going to use it once in your life?"

What is this?

What is this?

Well yes, that's right. Today we have a wonderful table

to talk about a topic no less wonderful.

Or not, we'll see.

We begin, I have Alba Palazón to my left.

What is it, nothing more and nothing less,

what a general health psychologist

of the psychiatry and psychology service

of the Dexeus University Hospital. Yes, yes.

Did I pronounce correctly? Well...

To be picky, but no, fine, fine.

How are you? Well? Yeah, nice to be here.

Wonderful, as it should be.

We also have Selena Winters, there she is.

As you can see, she can be seen in her face, she designs.


Design, she is emergent.

It says: "design and it is emergent".-That's it, that's it...

Well, right? Yes, yes.

It is true, one hundred percent correct.

We have in the Zoom, already known,

already known from this house,

to Anonymous Garcia.

He came to talk about Spain

and now he is with a new pod,

that they have in their hands.

Titled, correct me if I'm wrong,

Zero Automobile Publicity.

Oh, you can't hear.

It's muted. You've put the mute.

Oh, you don't see me.

-That's it, that's it.

That very well pronounced, friend.

Indeed.Zero Automobile Publicity

and what we want is to end the advertising of cars

Just like 20 years ago, the tobacco industry ended.

We'll tell more about that later.


We also have, the other 50% of our Zoom,

to Alba Sueiro.

And activist for responsible consumption.

Alba, very good.-Very good, delighted.

Everything okay?Everything great.

I am looking forward to the debate.

Great, perfect, as it should be.

Those are the desires that I want.

We have, going back to the table,

to the people of flesh and blood,

no disrespect, please.

We have Patricia Queen,

that since 2015 she lives without plastics

and she is the author of a book

"Living without plastics".

- Super obvious, but effective.

Is the experience good? Yes.

Great. Super easy.

Well, now you will tell us about it.

And we also have, of course,

I tell you what they put on me.

Let's see the grace.

"Queer artist and icon."

And I want to add: "Ma'am since she was 30 seconds old."

From the feet to the head.

I prefer the second to the first.

Because the first one is nonsense.

Come on, I'm queer...

Lady from the first pat.

I am a CIS woman.

I don't have anything queer. As it should be.

Welcome back, how are you? Great.

If you're at home. I've come barefoot and everything.


We have to put slippers for the people who come.

Let's start, I'm going to throw a question to the table,

Pick her up whoever you want, please.

What happens in our brain

when do we buy?

What are the processes that occur?

Maybe you can start here.

Come on, come on, yes, yes.

-It's true, it has much more points to define it.

-No, well, basically what happens in our brain

when we buy is that there is an explosion, we would say,

of two very important substances: dopamine and serotonin.

These substances modulate our mood.

And when we have an explosion of these two substances

in our brain, we enter a state of happiness,

of satisfaction.

Well, a very remarkable state of pleasure.

What's the matter? That in cases of compulsive buying

This status

It usually lasts very little.

Because they immediately appear

Completely opposite reactions

which are guilt, shame

for having engaged in conduct

that, in many cases, they know,

but they don't want to admit.

Which is, after all, dysfunctional.

I mean, there are patterns in what you're saying.

which seems a bit like an addiction, a drug.


At the brain level, the circuit that is activated is very similar

to when you consume a substance that activates you.

A psychoactive substance such as cocaine.

It could be, for example.

Can we say that Amazon's "buy now" button

is the new cocaine?

It is the trigger. And so much.


You speak, please.

What does it produce in your brain?

-It does everything to me except that.

It makes me anxious.

When I buy it is: "I'm already spending money I don't have."

"I don't need that much."

And I need support from my friends.

Like: "Aunt, is this worth it to me or not?"

But it always generates anxiety, when paying:

"I've bought things I didn't need."

-What happens to us in cases of compulsive buying.

-Then when I put it on I say, "Well, look."

-Compensates a bit.(SAMANTHA) "It looks divine on me."

- I ended up angry with myself.

-Of course, the experience I have at a clinical level is that.

At the time of purchase there is satisfaction,

In fact, they are people who spend a lot of time

planning the purchase, imagining...

There is a whole process prior to the purchase

who also enjoy it.

But the moment they buy,

This state of happiness lasts very little,

and then what you describe appears.

In other words, this discomfort, this anxiety of saying:

"My goodness, I've spent a lot of money."

"What am I going to do with this?"

"Is it useful to me or not?".-Totally.

-You get worried.


As @ official lady that you are,

I understand that you are more than angry to buy from the establishment.


But do you think online is more likely to fall into this compulsion?

In this compulsion of I want, I want.

I think online is much easier

because you have to click.

It's like you become less aware because it's not something tangible.

That you can say: "I have taken 15 kilos of clothes in a second

only on Zara's website".

And when you go it's like you get distracted with more stimuli.

I am lucky that I am addicted to shopping,

I am a compulsive buyer.

How it came out, I bought

that damn medieval armor of 190 euros.

But I'm lucky that I buy things

which are just second hand mostly.


Suddenly, I might see something cute in any regular store

and I take it.

But since I like to dress like a lady

and the ugliest thing in the store is what I wear,

I am lucky that I buy a lot,

but perhaps it could be called sustainable consumption.

Because it's a bit like reusing

all second hand

Now, I have everything in the closet fallen, destroyed.


I don't fit any more clothes.

I have a problem, I don't deny it.

But it could be more serious.

Patricia, before being this free and pure soul that you are,

Did you also fall for these practices?

Did you fall for these stories?

-I'll be the weirdest, but I never liked to go shopping.

Getting into a mall is the closest thing to hell.


Try on a size:"this looks bad on me". Try another.

It bothers me a lot

and above the malls,

as it has become fashionable to play loud music,

it looks like a disco.

It's like, "I want to get out of here."

I would like to have clothes, well,

but without having to go through to buy it.

I think I'm the opposite of this button that you say.

In other words, to my anger I have never liked buying.

That pure anxiety. It gives me anxiety.

Let's go now with Zoom.

I want to comment on one, this ball is for you.

You will know how to handle it perfectly.

What is the responsibility of brands

at the time of selling us the motorcycle?

That is, at the time of advertising and all these things.

-Well, she is a marketing...

-Eh... do you speak, Alba?

-No, you give it.

Then I answer.

What education, what knowing how to be.

- Well, I'm going to cut my throat against advertising.

Because in fact the advertising that does

that people need things

which you don't really need.

And it is the one that generates the impulse to buy

and the one that suddenly puts in,

puts you in the eyes,

something that you had not seen and you say: "I want that".

In that sense, you are very responsible for consumption.

I have said the obvious.

But the shots go a little there.

Alba, I give you the floor.

-Thank you very much.

Looks like a "TV news" connection.


I think that...

Let's see, we always focus on responsible consumption

from the perspective of the person who buys.

But I think brands are becoming more aware

of its role in facilitating responsible consumption.

If I have a brand

and I want to facilitate that consumption,

Well, I'm not going to sign up for Black Friday, right?

Or maybe I don't put offers that run out

in 24 hours so that people don't have time to meditate

and buy without thinking.

And then regret it, as you said at the table.

I think brands have to be more aware

of that power they have

and the power that the digital realm gives them.

And if we really want

because now many brands want to enter

in the field of being environmentally responsible,

they have to start too

wondering what their role is in the consumer system

and how they behave towards the consumer.

I disagree a bit there.

Because that can be done by certain brands.

But they will always be in the minority.

A little more elitist.

But the point is that the big brands,

who are the ones that take the cat to the water,

deep down they have to make the machine continue

and the machine needs to consume.

Obsolescence, consuming a new thing, etc.

And it seems pretty bogus to me.

deposited on the consumer

the responsibility to buy something greener or more sustainable.

Do not?


At the end, that should be inserted

in the system itself

and that in the end you do not say:

"I'm going to the neighborhood organic store

to buy me stock that is sustainable vegan,

but it costs me three times more than in the supermarket".

But that the sustainable product is cheaper.

How do you do that? This is a bit of a utopia,

but I think I should go there.

Leave the responsibility to the consumer

Basically, it's a bit bogus.

Picking this up, Patricia,

What is the responsibility that we as consumers have?

I think we all have a responsibility.

as far as we can decide and choose.

we cannot be held responsible

of something that is not our option.

If you have the possibility to buy something more sustainable,

or closeness level

or economically or whatever,

then you also have that responsibility.

But if you don't have it, it's not your responsibility.

I think it is that too.

He said that in the end

the role of the big brands is to continue feeding the bandwagon.

And I think that's not his role.

That is because we have given him the privilege

that we believe it and that we say:

"That's what they have to do."

But no, what they should do is do the same,

but always respecting some values

at the environmental, economic and social level.

That the social issue of these big companies

is thrown on the ground, directly.

It is clear that advertising, this comes from afar.

In fact, the movement of the loaves and fishes

if you realize, it's a hell of a marketing campaign.

But with the entrance of the internet there are new things.

This that is said and that sometimes seems true,

I understand that it will be true, but I don't want to get my fingers caught,

that Amazon listens to us.-Yes, I tell you.

I tell you completely.

Yes yes.

That I put on like, I don't know what I put on a friend of mine

and he wanted me to get out because we didn't remember

and I was saying it all the time and it came out.

On Instagram when you pass the "stories", it comes out.

It's that he listens to you.

It's just super strong.

-It happened to me at Google.-I swear.

-Talking with a friend about mattresses.

But I never looked for it and I got advertisements for mattresses.

-And Tik Tok also listens to you.

You too?

-I was the other day that my chest hurt a lot

and I said, "That's it, Covid, something's wrong with me."

I tell a friend of mine on WhatsApp

and my friend gets a video from Tik Tok

of a man saying:

"If you have punctures in the lungs,

you have farts."

And he is already.

Gases.-Oh, it's true.

With the gases it rises here and your lungs hurt a lot.

Sorry, this is not sustainable.

But it is a very important issue.

It is to tell people that the heart does not hurt.


Sure, we have health experts here.

I don't want to mess it up.

But when you say: "Oh, I'm going to the other life".

-They are gas or a psychological pregnancy.

I was going to say that I get very rare ads.

I imagine that they will listen to me,

worse they will not know very well where the shots go

and puts a breast pump on me.

A whole monkey made of albal paper.

Rare things.

Then they all love em, so...

-I have Aqualand vouchers.

-Yes, a lot.

-Giant slides like hundreds of thousands of years.

If true.

-A giant slide.

-A pool slide.

-Who is going to buy it? 120,000 euros.

-What interesting conversations you have to have.

I get mattresses.

-There is nothing more interesting than sleeping and eating.

I wanted to tell Alba

that these new forms of advertising,

like this we are talking about

that they listen to us.

Does it go hand in hand with...

I don't know what to call it

the problems that can cause the purchase,

compulsive shopping?

Does it go hand in hand with this or does this come from always?

-Let's see, really the apparition...

well, more than the appearance, the super fast development

what happened to social networks,

has contributed a lot

for more cases of compulsive buying to appear.

And the worst thing is that apart from the fact that the number of cases has increased

a lot in a few years,

every time the starting age of compulsive buying is...

-Shorter.-Sure, it's shorter.

we are meeting

that a problem that started before

between 25 and 30 years old,

Now it starts at 17.

-And 16.-Exactly.

Of course, in full adolescence.

You say, "Oysters, what's going on?"

What's the matter.

The fact that you are talking about something

and you get the ad on Instagram, let's say,

And you say, "Oysters, well, maybe I don't need it,

But I'm going to see just in case."

"It's very cheap, isn't it?"

And the advantage of buying online is

that you can buy very low prices.

You don't need a lot of money.

Well, it's already a facilitator.

Do you know what I think is happening?

No, sorry.

-Tell him, okay, okay.

I tell you.

I believe that more than advertising does more harm

like envy and like admiration,

ultra admiration like the "influencers"

or Kardashian, like,

if a woman or someone never repeats "outfit",

Well, me too.-It has a lot to do with it.

I think that does more damage.

that an advertisement that has come out.

No, it does more damage to see a girl with 8,000 bags.

"I want to be just like her."

-It is that the "influencers" are a heel.

What is the responsibility?

There are actresses and influencers who live exclusively

to post "post" on your Instagram.

You cannot imagine the amounts of money they pay

for you to make a "post".

If your audience is those girls...

I think we are so bad in society,

what do you say:

"Fuck, I'm super precarious,

working 40 hours and I don't have a free minute,

the pain eats me up inside,

I'm with millions of problems that I can't manage,

because I don't have time for anything.

And since you don't know how to manage all these things, you say:

"Well, I'm going to look for an external problem

with an easy solution

To feel like I'm in control again

and the reins of my life.

I don't know how to manage my life, my emotions or work.

But since I need an electric pepper shaker,

I bought it and I already have a problem solved in my life.

But it's a lie, that problem has not been there.

It's like this false feeling of:

"I generate a problem that you have never had

and I'll sell you the solution to get an economic advantage".

-Just, that, sorry, I cut you off.

No no no.

We were talking about it before with Patricia.

And it is that.

In the end, it is a problem of managing emotions.

You don't know what to do with this frustration,

With this sadness, with this anger that you feel.

Well, instead of focusing on the emotion

and go to work.

"I can play sports, I can explain it to a friend."

"Well, I'm going to buy myself."

You avoid the problem.

But why don't you have time?

It is much more practical

focus on things that have easy solutions

and problems that are fleeting,

than trying to manage your emotions,

analyze the conflicts

try to work inside yourself

and that introspection that is so necessary

Because you do not have time.

How are you going to do it if you have to get up at seven?

to make the whole cafeteria, put the buns in the oven

and on top of that make a doublet

because he has missed one and the next day the same.

They don't give you time to think.

You need...-Quick fix.

-And the "post" on Instagram are all like that.

You know who gives us time to think?

Our next character. I love it.

Our next character, Danel.

Danel, if you sold motorcycles,

would be Angel Nieto.


In the spirit of the pandemic,

I'm wearing my house sweater for the third time

since I am confined.

I like money.

They ask me:

"What inspires you as a person, as a creative artist,

multifaceted and multidisciplinary?

And I answer that the money.

Why do I like money so much?

It is a very simple exchange "item" to understand.

Not everyone knows how money works.

You give a two-year-old a euro and tell him it's candy

and the child understands it that quickly.

Money makes you great, it makes you smart, it makes you handsome.

It even removes pimples.

And that's why it's good to have money.

The more money you have, the more you can spend.

Ergo, the more money you spend, the better off you are.

Have you seen the parallel?

The mathematical operation?

We like to buy, we like to consume.

That coat rack you see is ugly,

I bought it in a bazaar for six euros.

I have nothing to hang.

But it's super cool.

And now I have to buy things

to hang them on the rack.

It is well known that capitalism consists

in meeting the needs

and basic needs are covered.

New needs must be created.

It is the scene of the nightmare that bites its tail.

The recurring nightmare, spiral.

How many nights have you spent scrolling

by AliExpress or Amazon?

Or through the Instagram store, it depends on your skill

or your level or purchasing power.

The Internet makes compulsive shopping much easier.

and obsessive about goods because it's as simple as clicking.

I recently bought a glove in the shape of a skeleton

in a bar bathroom.

I was in the bathroom doing number two,

I put on my cell phone and that jumped in my face

and I said, "I need this item."

"I need this item."

There is a pain inside of me, an emptiness,

that will only heal with the acquisition of said item.

And what did I do? "Swipe", button, button.

In three clicks I had already ordered it on a Conchinchina page.

Haven't you noticed how they give us many more facilities

to spend moneythan to get it?

If I want to make a claim, a complaint,

I have to present some evidence

conditions, go through a process.

Anyway, eventually my money is given to me,

but when I want to buy, all the doors are open.

Instagram has a feature that remembers your bank details

so you can play them with one click when you want to buy.

Because how lazy to be putting your card number and the date

40 times a day.

I can't find a way to end this video

because i'm a compulsive shopper

and I am a victim of this problem.

I urge whoever is on set

to give me a solutionbecause I need help.

I bought this coat rack, really. It's okay.

Wonder, wonder, Danel.

"One more kind".

And, Alba, two things, first:

if you agree with what Danel has said and second:

At what point does shopping become something pathological.

Ok, I agree with what he has said

that there are many more facilities

to spend the money than to get it.

This has been a mythical phrase.


And it's true.

In a few steps you get something

maybe in a way

that you haven't thought about it.

You don't have it premeditated

and you say: "Well, come on, come on".

And this is where impulsiveness comes in.

Another risk factor to start and maintain

a compulsive buying problem.

I mean totally.

That is closer than it seems the barrier

to pass that it's cool from time to time

to something truly...Exactly.

In fact, it is a superfine line.

A super thin line.

Let's go now with a question

that goes for those of the Zoom, that I have you, forgive me,

I have you a little abandoned.

Because I like smelling the living beings here more.

I'm sorry.-And here we smell...

-I don't know, I don't have a sense of smell.

They smell strong.

I wanted to talk to you about one of the big problems

of all this current that is consumerism.

I'll try to say it right.

Planned obsolescence.

Yes ok.

Lots of s's and lots of ces's and I'm not Hungarian.

It's hard for me.

Is there any way to get out of this loop

I buy something, it breaks, I throw it away,

I buy again to renew it, it breaks, I throw it away.

I think it's a bit the same.

We can see it from the consumer's point of view.

Or we can see it from the perspective of how the system is set up.

From the consumer

you can use, recycle, you can repair, above all.

When we talk about planned obsolescence.

But as we said before,

it's a bit limited.

But if we realize

of why this planned obsolescence exists is

because it is in the interest of the system that it exists.

Because if my socks break,

I'm going to buy others. If they don't break,

which is the typical example that we put,

I will only buy one.

And that does not interest the economic system.

That in the end is who...

Who governs our capitalist system.


Yes, I have little more to contribute.

It's the wheel I was talking about before,

which in fact feeds obsolescence

and of advertising.

It always amuses me

that there is always a new formula

in the detergent.

Every time there is a formula that washes whiter.

But there comes a time when white has to be pure.

It has to be transparent.

But again they put the package

with: "New formula that washes whiter".

It even makes me very funny

that the bottles of detergent,

to continue with the example,

They are more and more bizarre.

They have supergrotesque shapes

and if we think about the ones from the 70s they were simpler.

Now they have curves everywhere.

In the end it is like a fetishism that is added

to see what is more technological than the previous one.

Dont have much sense.

In the end, it's just the boat,

but it already gives that feeling

and you need to renew it.

This would be a bit complementary

to obsolescence.

And so you need to renew it because this is more modern.

Wash whiter.

when did they shake hands

detergents and energy drinks.

Which is becoming more and more difficult to differentiate.

Do I drink this or do I throw it in the washing machine?

Another important point within the new things is,

undoubtedly the textile industry.

You were talking earlier, Samantha,

What did you mention? What are you trying to find?

everything that has been used,

that is second hand.

Where do you buy these things?

Where do you like to bug with this?

- Well, look, I started as a moralist.

For this whole thing about being a pissed off teenager.

"Well, I have to be super LGTB, feminism, racism, communism,

nothing to buy."

I took those ideals very seriously.

and I stopped buying regularly ever since.

Also, they make clothes...

Now Bershka is cutting edge,

but normally they are outfits that no one can wear.

Bershka was Lady 23?

I'm not sure. Do you remember?

The Lady 23 thing is tremendous.

Since then, Western society has fallen.

I think it was Stradivarius.

It is true.

Well, the case is...



-The fact is that I always bet on second-hand stores.

Because models are amazing

and there are much cooler clothes.

People think that she is usually like old.

Which is in bad shape.

Or that there are no things for you,

but more living in Madrid,

If you don't buy second-hand, it's because you don't feel like it.

I go to Magpie and Humana.

And then, the ones I find.

-And I think buying second-hand

also like you value a little more what you buy.

It is much cheaper and completely "eco".

It's better than buying a jacket for 80 euros

of Inditex.

No, no...

And besides, I'm going to say something else, forgive me.

What... no, nothing.


- Have you forgotten? - Yes.


Patricia, I wanted to ask you

on the environmental impact

that these industries have.

Is it so remarkable?

Now I'll give you way.-After this.

How big is the negative environmental impact

What does the textile industry have? Yes, totally.

Especially in manufacturing.

To make a pair of jeans, 8,000 liters of water are needed.

What is said soon?

8,000 liters of water to make a single garment.

And to those who are worn out

a lot of abrasive products are put on them.

Because first it is dyed normally and then it wears out.

So all those chemicals go into the rivers

and then the trip of the clothes that they make from Bangladesh or wherever,

to the rest of the world.

And then, at the end of its useful life,

the amount of waste generated.

Now there are brands like H&M that are saying:

"Bring the second-hand clothes and I'll give you a voucher for my store,

so you can keep shopping.

An image washbecause it has been discovered

that many of these stores incinerate those clothes.

Because it's going to end there anyway.

What can be recycled, they will recycle, I'm not saying no,

but much of that clothing that you think is going to be recycled,

ends up cremated.

Alba, do you want to contribute something about this?

About this industry, 8000 liters for a cowboy unit.

-The data is very brutal.

As Patricia is saying.


For example, if we take the example of a cotton t-shirt,

that we can find for 3 euros in one of these stores.

Is that what Patri says,

that is, apart from the cotton grown,

all the pesticides, fertilizers, that end up in the soil.

Then the spinning and dyeing of that cotton.

That there are colored rivers in Asia.

Depending on the current trend.

Then also the social aspect.

All those people who do not have social rights

which we enjoy.

What do we take for granted?

maternity leave, sick leave,

the right to unionize.

Those people who make these clothes

they cannot enjoy those rights either.

And then that, the whole thing

of transport, which is not only

from the factory to the store,

from the factory to the warehouse, from the warehouse to the store network.

Then, from online sales to your home.

Give it back to me.

A lot of transport-related emissions are generated

which is spectacular.

What should make us consider

that the cost is not 3 euros.

The negative externalities of cost to the planet

and the people in that shirt are not 3 euros.

Come on, not even close.

Raúl, try to break this loop,

try to consume,

speaking of textiles,

more responsibly,

it's complicated?

Or is it a private hunting ground for people

with more economic possibilities?

-Yes, there he pointed a little to what I commented before.

That in the end what is often done is to leave this responsibility

in whose hands

of those who choose to have a more responsible consumption.

Which is usually more expensive

not everyone can qualify for it.

And besides, a person who does it has usually had

a journey of awareness

that not everyone has.

Here we go back in

in what I commented before

that I don't think responsibility should be left

to people, but they have to assume it

companies and states.

Especially the big companies.

And if people are left,

because there are already such a large number of people,

that you will consume more responsibly.

But for this to happen,

such great awareness work is needed

which is diametrically opposite

in light of advertising, which is the opposite.

I return to the subject of advertising.

Sorry to be a bit heavy.

But really the publicity who puts it,

companies with a lot of money,

And they have a goal.

It is information that is splashing our eyes all the time,

the ears, which always drive us towards the same goal

which is to buy and consume more.

And we've been here talking a lot

of the psychological factors and we are entering the ecological ones.

And where was all this planned obsolescence going?

Of so much water that is needed.

It leads to the fact that we are depleting the planet's resources.

This is no longer about me being a climate change denier.

But simply multiply the number of people there are

on the planet by the amount of things they buy.

That comes from somewhere, there is no magic wand

who creates loaves and fishes.

In the end, sooner or later it will end.

And another of the points, to close this block,

It is something that is clear and that is obvious,

what is that with the increase

of big brands,

large multinationals in the textile industry,

in the end the local trade, little by little,

progressively it will disappear.

Is there any way to stop this?

Or do you think it's inevitable and that there's a clock on

that within a short time it will end...-Down with free trade.

Total, that's what I was going to say.

-It really seems crazy.

How are we going to consider that?

After so much time.

But I am convinced

that if I couldn't buy even in America

nor in any foreign country

and I had to supply myself from the textile industry,

that in Catalonia we have a very good textile industry,

of the local product.

Why do I have to be able to have

himalayan salt

and curry in my supermarket?

So that I can make myself a typical Indian dish.

It seems to me that we have that need,

that longing for freedom and being able to choose,

but it is absurd.

'Cause I can do without all those whims and luxuries

And I say it dressed like this.


But I wouldn't mind being Barbie office worker

if the clothes had been made in Spain

or a second hand from here.

I think the problem is free trade

and that everything is left in the hands of private companies.

What is something that we cannot regulate?

y que el monopoliode todo el consumo

y toda la producciónlo tengan empresas privadas

que solo miran por sus interesesy por seguir enriqueciéndose.

Ahora ya, que esto cambie,

seguramente,luego me compre una boina.


No sé si querías comentar algo.

-Iba a decir lo mismo,que esto con legislación,

como decía él.

Se puede concienciar

y tenemos que intentarlo,

pero o se cambia conlegislación o no se va a cambiar.

Porque la concienciación está muybien mientras llega la legislación.

Porque una cosa es que túno puedas cambiarlo con tu consumo

y otra cosa es apoyar algocontra tus valores,

solo porqueno vaya a servir de nada.

Tenemos que preguntarnos no solopara qué sirven nuestras acciones

como consumidores responsables,

sino por qué hacemos eso.

Si no estás de acuerdo con algo,

pues no lo hacemos,

pero eso no significa

que todala responsabilidad sea nuestra

ni que no tengamos que pedirresponsabilidades y legislación

al poder.

Pues muy bien,creo que ha quedado muy fresquito.

Llega el momentode a don Anónimo García

ya doña Alba Sueiro.

Creo que el don y el doña me pareceque es si tienes la primaria.

Que yo calculo que sí.

Tenéis esto.

Podéis llamaros don y doña.

Esto que lo sepáis.

Muchas graciaspor haber estado aquí.

Por acompañarnos en este programa.

Habéis aportado conocimiento.Lo opuesto a lo que hago yo.

Que estoy aquí como una cotorra.

Muchísimas graciaspor haberos pasado.

Gracias a vosotros.-Gracias a vosotras.

Y ahora vamos con una persona

que va a añadircosas muy interesantes,

que es nada más y nada menos,

me pongo bien la pajarita,para recibir a Grey Trash.



La confianza de una gran familia.

Hay cosas en lasque Google no nos puede ayudar,

pero el comercio local sí,por su cercanía,

por su profesionalidad,

porque nos conocen y les conocemos.

Esto engancha. Esto es Coca...


Señores Coca...

Para regalarte mi mejor sonrisa.

Los que bebemos Coca Cola

estamos enganchadosa la Coca... Cola.


Esta buena Coca Cola comprad.

Y bebed.

Y verás como tenéis más fuerzas.

¿Usted se siente "mareao"?

La Coca Cola se lo quita.


Grey Trash.

-¿Lo han visto ellos?No, lo han escuchado.

No lo sé,nunca he llegado a saberlo,

antes de nada,porque la gente está viendo

de quién hablamos,pues vamos a presentarles.

Tenemos a Celia Zanón, enfermera.

Muy buenas, ¿qué tal?

Hi how are things? Good afternoon.

Y también tenemos a David Álvarez.

That is. Hi how are things?

Perfecto, ahí estánuestra "Gen Zeta",

Normalmente dice Inés,voy a decirlo,

"la juventud del papo".

Que no quede en el olvido,Inés, descansa en paz.

Allá donde estés.

David, vamos a empezar haciéndotela primera pregunta a ti.

¿Eres comprador compulsivo?¿Qué es lo último que has comprado?

Yo determinaresi eres compulsivo o no.

No me considerocomprador compulsivo

porque lo miro todo exhaustivamente,

pero es verdad que como vivoen una ciudad de provincia

y tampoco hay Humanani tiendas de ropa moderna,

pues acabo buscando por internet

y en eso sí que me ha servido

porque encuentro ropaque no encuentro en otro sitio.

Y respondiéndote a tu pregunta,

lo último que me he comprado

yo creo que estasBalenciaga de imitación.

Que cuando me las probé dije:"Igual no me gustaban tanto".


Celia, ¿alguna vez te arrepientes

de lo que compras?Lo acabas de comprar

y dices: "Pero, ¿por qué?".

"¿Por quéme he comprado esta armónica?".

-Correcto, eso me ha pasadoun montón de veces.

Pero me dauna pereza volver a la tienda,

que no lo devuelvo.

Bueno, ya está.

Boca abajo, a tomar por culo.


(SAMANTHA) Todo el pesodel pecado recae en ella.

Qué maravilla, qué maravilla.

Voy a preguntárselo a David.

Y ahora vuelvo contigo, Celia,

porque me interesaque me contestéis.

Hemos estado hablando

de lo "eco" en general

y concretamentecentrado en lo textil.

¿Es jodido el poder...

comprarse ese tipo de cosas,

poder ayudar a este tipode economía sostenible

teniendo poquitos chavos?


A ver, es verdad quelas tendencias cambian cada vez más.

Sobre todo, lo vemos en Inditex.

Pero creo que están saliendocosas muy interesantes.

Hace poco compréen una tienda de Bilbao

una camisetaque la hace gente joven,

todo hecho a mano, todo artesano

y salí con ganasde contárselo a todo el mundo,

para que sepan lo que hay,

lo que es de calidad

y encima, de aquí, autóctono.

Yo creo que va a haber unauge de este tipo de comercios

y debería, además.

Celia, te iba a preguntar lo mismo,pero como acabas de decir

que te da pereza,pues ya me lo quedo,

que me ha encantado.

Me ha recordado a este vídeoque ha salido de Almeida de:

"¿Cuánto es?".-"Cinco euros".

-"Poco me parece".

Va un poco en esa línea.

Te quería preguntarsi a la hora de comprar

ya la hora de consumir

intentas ser lo más ética posiblea la hora de seleccionar.

Bueno, ¿sabes qué pasa?

Yo siempre acabocomprando lo que me gusta.

Sí que es verdadque a veces miro el precio,

pero hay otras veces que no.

Si algo me gusta mucho

y se me va un poco de presupuesto,digo: "Bueno, por una vez".

El problema es quees una vez detrás de otra.

Te crea dependencia.

Te crea dependencia.

También digo quehay que saber controlar

y tomar conciencia de ello,

porque tampoco hace faltainvertir tanto dinero

en ciertas cosas.

Pero soy una personaque peco de eso y lo reconozco.


Si está bien.

Y bravo, hay que decir.Es lo que hay.

Celia, ¿usas plataformas

como Wallapop o Vinted?

Pues la verdad que no.

Sobre todo, del grupo Inditex

y soy muy caprichosa con las joyas

y accesorios,los bolsitos me encantan.

He de decirlo.

Hay que ir siemprea conjunto y muy mona.

-Qué chula.

O sea, que estamoshablando de ética y tal,

pero que mira.

Que tampoco hace falta.-Pero ella es sincera.

Di que sí.-Tiene que haber alguna que lo diga.

Porque venimosaquí todas de moralistas.

Soy un simple mensajero.

-Vais estupendos, ya os lo digo.

Me encanta vuestro "outfit".

-Ay, qué bien.

-Entonces sí que nos ven.

-Claro, nos ve todo el mundo.


David, ¿somosla generación más consumista?

-Creo que no somosla más consumista,

pero sí que es verdadque tenemos muchos...

pues muchas distracciones.

Te metes en Instagram

y en el último año hay más anuncioso eso me parece a mí.

Y yo que caigoen casi todos los "stories",

pues para mí es la ruina Instagram.

But I don't think...

De hecho, creo que somosla generación que hemos inventado,

bueno, no lo hemos inventado,pero que utilizamos bastante

la segunda mano.

No sé, creo que vanmás por ahí los tiros.

-Sí, sí, completamente.

Quería cerrar con Celia.

Que es algo queun poco hacemos todos.

Quiero saber si tú también.

¿Crees que a travésde consumir, de comprar,

esto, lo otro, lo de más allá,

intentamos de alguna manera

llenar un vacío que podemos sentir?

-Pues sí, porque creoque todo el mundo en su vida

tiene malos momentos, malas rachas,

y creo que tenemos en cierta parte

como asociado quesi me voy de compras,

si me doy un capricho,

si me voy a la peluquería,

como que eso nos sana la partemala que estamos pasando.

Entonces, yo creoque tiene mucho que ver.

Nuestro cerebro,como comentaba antes,

que os he estado viendo,

las hormonas y todo esoque nos regula la felicidad

y todo eso, eso tienecien por cien que ver, estoy segura.

Genial, bueno,

mis muchachos,

muchísimas graciaspor haberos pasado.

La verdad que han sido muy bonitasvuestras intervenciones.

They have enchanted me.

Y nada, muchas graciaspor haberos pasado por aquí.

Gracias a vosotros, todo un placer.


-Hasta luego.

Qué maravilla.-Adiós.

Nuestra juventud del papo,parafraseando a la gran Inés.

Y ahora, volviendo a mesa,

y ya para cerrar,

como último punto,

ya sabéis,

tú ya conocesporque has venido más veces

y sabes que esta rondita final,

en la que os voya pedir a cada uno

una idea breve

o de qué manera podemos ayudar

a que todo esto sea más sostenible.


Si quieres empezar.

Mira, yo quiero aprovechar

la situación que estamosviviendo de la Covid 19.

Durante la campañade Navidad, sobre todo,

se ha insistido muchísimoen, por favor, comprad

en comercios autóctonos.

Comercio de proximidad.

Pues yo aprovecharía eso.

And above all,

siendo más conscientes

de todo el impactoque podemos generar.

Lo que decíamos, a nivel ambiental.

Que dentro deunos años nos pasará factura.

Y aparte, ayudamosa estas personas con estos negocios.

Que muchos viven de eso.

Así que quería dejar este mensaje.

De aprovechar la situaciónen la que estamos "ara",

perdón, ahora, para...-Catalana.



Y aprovechareste tirón y mantenerla.

Eso creo que es muy importante.

Sobre todo,el comercio de proximidad.

Si no, acabará desapareciendoo van a quedar muy poquitos.

-Y a raíz de lo que ha dicho ella

y lo que han dicho ellos,

de que los comercios pequeños,

como todo así como muy...

como que está habiendoun giro bastante alto

y yo estoy trabajandoen una colección

completamente "eco" con Humana.

Que sale como dentro de...Atentos ahí. Atentos ahí.

Sí, me puedo poner hasta de pie

para que veáisla ropa que he traído.

Pues eso, como que las cosas

también se pueden hacercomo bastante bien

y voy a Humana, cojo la ropa

y es como cien por cien "eco".

Me parece la cosamás "eco" que se puede hacer.

Y eso, cómo Humana se ha fijadoen mí como diseñador emergente,

que está empezandoy eso está muy bien.

Que sí, como que las cosasse pueden hacer un poco bien.

Hay esperanza.

Y comercio local,como hemos dicho, muy bien.

Muy bien, Patricia.

-Yo pienso que deberíamosdar un paso antes de comprar.

Evidentemente,escoger la segunda mano,

el comercio local, pero antespreguntarnos si lo necesitamos.

Porque creo queahí está el problema.

Pero si nos preguntamos antes,nos paramos un momentito,

¿lo necesito realmente?

Creo que se ahorraríanmuchísimas emisiones, basura,

of everything.

Y luego, si podemos...

Si lo necesitamos y lo compramosen segunda mano, perfecto.

Y si tenemos que comprarlo,coger un comercio local.

Pero no decir:"Me voy a Humana y allí...".

-Pero hay una cosa muy guayque es lo que hago yo.

Compro mucho en Humana,

pero luego dono mucha ropay la vendo por Vinted.

Entonces, por ahí ya,como que siempre estoy...

Como luego dono tanta, porque sino tendría el armario como el tuyo.

Y por alusiones,que te ha dicho como tú.

Un cierre.

-Pues yo por caprichosa,

por roja y por vaga,

delego en las grandes empresas

y más comunismo y más marxismo.

Con que cien empresascambien sus políticas,

mi tía Alicia no tiene quepreocuparse de reciclar en la vida.

La culpa es suya ya tomar por culo.

Maravilloso, bueno, muchísimasgracias por haber estado aquí.

Muchísimas graciasa los que estáis ahí.

Tenéis que seguirnosen todas nuestras redes.

También tenemostienda en Ali Express y en Amazon,

donde podéis comprar peloreal de Inés, ya sabéis,

y también si queréisalguna cosita, una sugerencia,

alguna idea, podéis mandarnosun correo a Genplayz@RTVE.es.

See you in the next chapter.

Donde vamos a hablarde un tema muy serio,

que tiene que hablarsey lo vamos a hacer aquí, el cáncer.

Nos vemos, chao.