Jewelry, decorative objects and other silver utensils darken and lose their shine over time, so it is necessary to clean them from time to time to prevent them from ending up damaged due to lack of conservation.
There are some products on the market for cleaning silver, but you can also opt for home remedies that you can apply from home. Do you want to know some of these tricks?
aluminum foil and salt
This is one of the most popular tricks used to clean silver objects such as kitchen utensils. In the blog of the supermarket chain Dia, they point out that to apply this home remedy you have to "line a container with aluminum foil and fill it with hot water with salt." Then, you should put the objects you want to clean in this container for a few minutes and rinse them later with water.
use toothpaste
Another remedy recommended by the Mejor con Salud website is to use toothpaste as it can serve as a polish. To proceed with its cleaning, "wash the objects with hot water and neutral soap, and rub them with a good amount of toothpaste," they emphasize. You can use a cloth or a soft brush. After a few minutes, rinse them again with water and dry them with a clean cloth.
Cleaning with Baking Soda and Vinegar
The use of baking soda is very common in the kitchen and can also be used to clean silver objects. To do this, you must introduce a little bicarbonate into a container with water (half a glass would be enough). Then add a little white vinegar. Once you have this mixture, introduce the objects you want to clean and let it act for a few minutes. Finally, rinse with water and dry the objects with a cloth.
Other homemade recommendations
The Joyerías Sánchez blog offers a series of tips for cleaning and preserving products made with silver, among which the following stand out: