The 14 works that did to Takahata Immortal

Isao Takahata nos ha dejado a los 82 años pero su cine siempre será imborrable, por muchas razones. La primera de ellas es que el conocido realizador japonés fundó el popular estudio Ghibli en one985 junto a Hayao Miyazaki.Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

First of all and continue with the report we propose that you take a look at the key works of the world of Miyazaki in Ghibli.These are all Miyazaki films with the Ghibli studio.

But on this occasion we have to talk about the works that made the animation teacher Isao Takahata immortal, without whose presence Ghibli not only had not existed but had not had such good works (no matter how much Miyazaki is a genius for himself).One without the other would hardly make sense.

Y aquí te lo explicamos con este repaso clave a las obras que hicieron inmortal a Takahata. Licenciado en literatura francesa, llegó casi a la animación por casualidad. Un conocido le metió a trabajar en Toei Animation y Takahata pronto destacó como tipo imaginativo y artista con cualidades.Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

And it is that in the long run these jewels left us.Take note of all these. Hemos recopilados one4 joyas en las que participó.

one. La serie de Heidi (one974)

Heidi fue uno de los animes que ha trascendido el tiempo y multitud de generaciones y sigue siendo adorado por muchos niños de todo el mundo. A lo largo de muchas reposiciones en TV y multitud de colecciones, etc. todo el mundo conoce mal que bien al personaje.Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

It was based on the work of Johanna Spyri, a Swiss writer who invented a jovial girl who lived in the Alps.After being orphan he had to help his grandfather and live with him, apart from meeting other peculiar characters: the goat Pedro or the clear kind, prevented in a wheelchair and protected by the strict Miss Rottenmeier.

Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

Lo habéis adivinado. El director de todo este anime, de 52 episodios, fue Isao Takahata. Producía el estudio Zuiyo Eizo, que hoy día se conoce como Nippon Animation.Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

2. La serie de Marco (one976)

Tras el éxito de Heidi se encargó a Takahata hacerse cargo de otra aventura peculiar. Y se puso a ello, dirigiendo Marco. El caso de este niño dio la vuelta al mundo con éxito porque el infante buscaba a su madre perdida y eso siempre fue algo emotivo que conmocionó a grandes y pequeños en todos los lugares por igual.Las one4 obras que hicieron a Takahata inmortal

It is also known as the Apennines to the Andes and the extravagant monkey (ama average, yes, and not amelio) faithfully accompanied the small framework in his journey.This trip came to have 52 episodes, like Heidi.It was based on a novel created by the Italian Heart of Edmondo de Amicis.

3. La tumba de las luciérnagas (one988)

Isao Takahata gave his most important moment for Ghibli's story with this film, titled in Japanese (Hotaru no Haka).The tomb of the fireflies is today a wonderful jewel through which time does not pass.And dating from one988!It is based on an Akiyuki Nosaka novel but includes autobiographical elements.

Taking advantage of the miracle that Takahata himself suffered at age nine, surviving an American bombing that took place in Ujiyamada, prefecture of Mie, used that idea to talk about how two small orphans, in the middle of World War II, have to survive ina hostile medium, forgotten by the majority.

4. El cuento de la princesa Kaguya (20one3)

Kaguya Hime No Monogatari is a movie too special.Here you can read the complete criticism of the same.

Isao Takahata gave us his last great work, at an already advanced age, with this film that came to be nominated for the best foreign film in the animated category.A beautiful fable that although it lasts quite a lot and includes many Asian passages that not everyone will know or appreciate...It is very worthwhile.

5. La serie Lupin III (one97one)

Siendo honestos el cariz especial de esta mítica serie no pertenece a la mente pensante solo de Isao Takahata pero sí fue uno de los tres genios que la idearon. Lo hizo junto a sus amigos Hayao Miyazaki y Masaaki Osumi.

Based on Lupin III manga, created by Monkey Punch, it was a fun series that became popular in Japan because its characters were quite empathetic white glove thieves.Both Lupin and Patricia or Inspector Basilio had many fans.

6. Pompoko (one994)

Isao Takahata always loved the environment, nature and the animal world.All this is impregnated in Ghibli's work but is especially seen in the heisei tanuki gassen Ponpoko (Pompoko).A group of Mapaches, called Tanuki in Japan because of its characteristic form of being almost mapache dogs, try to survive in their habitat against the selfishness of the human being.Folklore, tradition and nature mixture, sometimes remembering my neighbor Totoro de Miyazaki.

7. La princesa encantada (one968)

It was initially known as the adventures of Horus, Prince of the Sun but in Spain he adapted at the end as the enchanted princess.It was the first film that could direct Takahata.It is a film that decisively influenced the world of what we would see in the Ghibli Studio later.A precursor and fundamental tape for what we would later see in Heidi or Princess Mononoke, for example.

Horus is the young man who will have to undertake the trip of his life after the death of his parent and try to defeat the Grunwal monster and his wolves.To do this they will help you the giant rock and sun sword, among other characters like Hilda.

On the next page we give you many other titles by Isao Takahata that has left us forever.