How much should you spend on clothes per month without stopping saving

Some of us love to spend on clothes and that can be a problem when trying to save. In general, clothes are seen as a necessary and constant expense that we must make to maintain a good image, however, there is a fine line between necessity and being obsessed with always having new clothes or having an obsession with shopping. Cuánto deberías gastar en ropa al mes sin dejar de ahorrar

If you are in a period in which you are looking to save, the cost of clothing must be conscious and reasonable. A key figure to spend should be set, but how much money should it be?

how much should i spend on clothes

In general, financial experts advise that clothing expenses should represent 5% of your budget (of what you earn each month after taxes). This represents a minimum part of your salary and scales depending on how much each person earns per month.

Cuánto deberías gastar en ropa al mes sin dejar de ahorrar

So, let's say, if you are a person who earns 30 thousand pesos a month. In theory, you should spend around fifteen hundred pesos every 30 days on clothes. If you earn more you can spend more, if you earn less it may not be a good idea to spend too much or there will be no money left to save.

We believe that this method is quite effective since it does not represent a high percentage of each month's salary, and there may still be room for you to take the other recommended percentage for savings or investment.

This does not mean that you are prohibited from buying expensive clothes, but that you should think better about how to invest the money each month. That is, you can think about the different clothes that you may need throughout the year and organize your expenses. If you happen to buy an expensive coat or high-end boots that represent an expense greater than the 5% we mentioned, you can avoid spending the same the following month and wait until you can spend again without neglecting your finances.

Of course, if you don't have a high salary it can be a bit difficult to find cheap clothes but there are more and more cheap options that can be seen well. We do not recommend spending too much on high-cost clothing if you want to save.