Methacrylate screens, an effective solution against COVID

Contents Las mamparas de metacrilato, una solución efectiva contra el COVID Las mamparas de metacrilato, una solución efectiva contra el COVID

Methacrylate screens are already part of our lives and our daily visual landscape. It is common to see them and communicate through them when we enter any public establishment. And this is because it has been shown that methacrylate screens are very effective against the transmission of COVID-19 and prevent viral spread between workers and customers.

Usefulness of methacrylate screens

COVID-19 is spread through droplets of saliva that fall when we speak, cough or sneeze. So, to guarantee the safety of customers within shops, it is essential, today, to introduce elements that guarantee the necessary social distance to be able to continue interacting, such as methacrylate screens, masks or disinfectant gel.

The first elements mentioned are especially effective for the protection of people, due to their transparent properties they make good communication between clients and workers possible, while the material itself prevents the transmission of the virus from one side to the other, protecting both parties. The installation of these partitions are intended to avoid contagion and reactivate businesses.

Advantages and benefits of methacrylate partitions

Where can we find methacrylate screens?

In the new normality, we have been able to see businesses with different applications of methacrylate partitions to ensure the peace of mind of customers. This measure has been introduced thinking in the long term, thinking of living with the virus for a long period of time.

Office partitions

Las mamparas de metacrilato, una solución efectiva contra el COVID

In this sector they have had to readapt their spaces before leaving teleworking and returning to the office safely. The most common uses of partitions are to create a separation between the large work tables in offices, as well as the reception and customer service desks that we can see when entering them.

aesthetic centers

Hairdressers have also adapted to this new way of living/working. Large screens are very useful for creating individual spaces, but in hairdressing salons or beauty salons, due to the undeniable proximity between worker and client, the use of polycarbonate face shields has been essential to avoid bilateral infections.

Supermarkets and screens

All the premises with essential products have necessarily had to change their spaces and remodel them. The methacrylate screens have been placed on the counters to serve customers without risk. In smaller spaces, strict capacity measures have been applied. On the other hand, face shields are also very effective in protecting cashiers in supermarkets.


Pharmacies, which are not usually very large, must maintain the recommended safety distances, often putting up adhesive vinyl. In these places it is better to put medium or small methacrylate partitions in which there is a complete separation between the place of medicines and customers.

Here, it would be necessary to have punched holes on the surface to facilitate the communication of the products, as well as a sliding drawer or a sliding window to deliver recipes and payments by card or cash.

Methacrylate screens in retail stores

We refer to tobacconists, for example. We could apply the same recommendations that we have just explained to pharmacies, although for the sale of cigarette packs and packets, they would need a space to deliver them safely. A good idea would be to separate the products from the customers thanks to a barrier, whose only possibility of taking the products is from the bottom. Thus, the saliva particles would not be deposited on the boxes and packaging of the articles.

Anti-Covid protection in hospitality

This sector is the one that has reinvented itself the fastest and, in addition, they have to be on constant alert in case there could be a new spike in infections when the state of alarm ends. The hotel industry has to be well protected, since they are places where many people accumulate.

The choice of a methacrylate partition will depend on its format, size and the characteristics of the workstation and the available space. Although the ideal would be to separate the kitchen areas from the outside by covering the windows where the dishes are deposited before being served to the diners with methacrylate, among other possibilities.

Tips to disinfect and clean methacrylate screens efficiently

It has already become clear to us that partitions are excellent barriers to protect us against the coronavirus. But it is also very important that they are accompanied by cleaning and disinfection as they deserve, since if not, the economic effort invested would be useless and you would also be putting the health of your employees, yourself and your clients at risk. .

Images: DepositPhotos
