A Russian telepathic command?

The controversial article is titled Super soldier for the wars of the future.He assures that the Russian army uses "paranormal tactics" to "help" the military to detect ambush, listen to conversations, interrupt the enemy's telecommunications or even learn other languages.Its author is a Russian colonel in the reserve, Nikolai Poroskov.And he does not make those controversial statements in any place, but in an official magazine of the Russian Army.His article has raised a great dust in the media of the country and in social networks, where they mock these hypothetical military mental skills and the alleged program.Several scientists have warned that these pseudoscientific theories do great social damage.

Poroskov, who is only one of the last Russian military experts in flirting.And that in addition to "treating the wounds in battle" those hypothetical telepathy skills serve "to question prisoners and give orders to dolphins".

Affirmations that have enraged experts such as the renowned Yevgueni Alexandrov, head of the Commission of the Fight against Pseudoscience of the Russian Science Academy, which explains that there were essays and work on the subject but that, at least, they closed in the firstdecade of this century.And they were classified as pseudoscience.

“It's an incredible madness, and brutal ignorance.Mentally they are in the 18th century.What they do is count witch stories selling it as science.Reading the mind is impossible, a lot of times has been tested.Even Dmitri Mendeleev [the renowned Russian chemist and creator of the periodic table of the elements] 150 years ago confirmed that it is nonsense, ”Alexandrov.

¿Un comando ruso de telépatas?

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The scientist alerts in addition to the effect that members of the Army and other institutions have, as well as the media, disseminate those alleged theories.“That information not only deceives the population, but also the authorities.As a result, the Research Committee invites 'Telepatas' to help them find a body, ”laments the head of the fighting commission with the pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences

But although it is not the first time that Alexondrov and some of his colleagues try to throw this rosary of pseudoscientific elements, military experts and former leaders of the army continue to delve into the subject on the subject.And insist that there are not only those special teams, but also work.

Anatoli Matviychuk, also colonel in the reserve and one of those responsible for the magazine Soldados de Russia, says that these "techniques" are still experiencing.“Research on this began in the US and the Soviet Union after World War II.And until now, telepathy methods continue.

Colonel Poroskov also ensures in his article in the Army Bulletin (with a diffusion of about 10.000 copies and available on the Internet) that several “experiments” were fruitful.And he mentions, but without giving details, a case in which trained people allegedly managed to read a document locked in a safe, in a language they did not speak;and identify terrorists and "terrorist candidates".

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