Flip: The English buy this Spanish colony without stopping

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United Kingdom



Hay una colonia, un aroma inconfundible, que hemos tenido en las casas españolas desde que nacimos (literalmente): la colonia Nenuco que ahora se vende en Inglaterra sin parar. ¿Cómo? Como lo lees. Fue ayer cuando un hilo de Twitter, de la fotógrafa asturiana Helena Álvarez, más conocida por todo el mundo como Helena Exquis, nos descubrió la curiosa obsesión de las inglesas (e ingleses) por los productos de limpieza española y por la colonia Nenuco.Flipa: las inglesas compran esta colonia española SIN PARAR Flipa: las inglesas compran esta colonia española SIN PARAR

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These baby perfumes are super fresh and smell great

Flipa: las inglesas compran esta colonia española SIN PARAR

Yes, he explains, he is based in London, the Top 1 of the British obsession is the smell of Nenuco.The baby colony is a true phenomenon, it was created in 1946 by the Catalan Ramón Horta as we discovered in the blog perfume stories."Until the 70s, the colony was made almost craft at its home on Arai Street, next to the Orwell Square, near Las Ramblas.The name of the colony occurred to him because his mother -in.


© courtesy of Nenuco

Colonia Nenuco (from € 3.27) - Buy (at Amazon)

¿Por qué la colonia Nenuco triunfa en United Kingdom (y todo el mundo)?

For us, the Spanish, you can have that point of nostalgia and memory of childhood that is obviously a decisive factor.However, it is its citric, clean and fresh smell that really falls in love and hooks because you can never get tired of the aroma of the Nenuco neighborhood.In addition, as is made for babies, it has a neutral pH and does not allergies.