How often do you have to renovate your underwear?

Sometimes you wait for your underwear to be completely worn out or with holes to just change it, but, you've wondered how long you should keep wearing it.

We Don't want to generate needs for you, but experts say that even after washing your underwear, it might contain bacteria.

Philip Tierno, professor of microbiology and pathology at New York University, reminded the Huffington Post portal that our underwear is placed on the skin near the area where E. coli bacteria are found. And washing it doesn't always completely disinfect it.

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In this context, when should the underwear and underpants be renewed? According to some specialists, these garments should be changed every year. In any case, you can keep your underwear until it is ruined, as long as you wash it well and constantly.

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How should underwear be washed to prevent infections?

According to experts, the best way is to wash it in a hot water cycle with bleach, which is the most effective product to kill the organisms that live in it. Another option is to use warm or cold water with a detergent that has peroxide.

In addition, you should let it dry under the sun, as UV rays can help disinfect it.

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