Navigation Venezuela prepares to celebrate the end of the year without restrictions Log in Register Confirm password reset

This content was published on December 30, 2021 - 16:17

Caracas, Dec 31 (EFE).- Despite the appearance of the first cases of the omicron variant in Venezuela, The Government maintains the "broad" relaxation of prevention measures against covid-19 for year-end celebrations, both family and public and massive, considering that infections are controlled.

Therefore, it will be possible to hold family gatherings to celebrate the end of the year without a maximum number of people set by the authorities, organize concerts with no capacity limit, parties in hotels and public spaces, with the participation of national and foreign artists .

The mayoress of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, announced a concert in the Plaza Bolívar -downtown- so that Caracas residents receive the new year to the rhythm of merengue with singers such as Bonny Cepeda -current Vice Minister of Culture of the Dominican Republic- and the Girls of the Dog.

Navigation Venezuela prepares to celebrate the end of the year without restrictions Sign in Register Confirm your password reset

But in addition to the cultural and musical celebrations, you cannot miss the traditional rituals that came from various countries of the world to Venezuela, where numerous nationalities come together -especially European- that, over the years, have been imposing their own customs.

The 12 grapes of the Spanish midnight, the Italian lentils of fortune, walking the suitcases with the hope that the gesture will bring a year full of travel or wearing red underwear are some of the ancestral ceremonies collected in a country as multicultural as Venezuela. EFE


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