Piece by piece: uniforms (or armor) used in the Super Bowl

The punches, the hits, the tackle, the crashes. Football-it is known-is one of the most dangerous sports in the wide range. Players expose their physique at each game. They risk it. Therefore, both the Super Bowl and the rest of the regular NFL season, there are countless garments, accessories, intended exclusively to safeguard their physical integrity.


The best known piece of armor. The one most in sight. Its goal is also obvious and primordial, the most important: to protect the players' heads. The size of the helmets also varies according to the size of the player's head. According to the position he holds on the court, the front bar that crosses the face varies. In the case of receptors, it is thinner to favor greater vision at the time of grip. In the highest friction positions, the bars are thicker and extend to the neck.


Pieza por pieza: los uniformes (o armaduras) que utilizan en el Super Bowl

One of the most compromised areas is the shoulders. That is why protection becomes essential there. Shoulder pads also adapt according to position. Receivers and launchers prefer to use shorter shoulder pads that barely extend through the arm, allowing them greater mobility. On the other hand, runners and men of the line, who are more prone to shock, use longer ones that also cover part of the abdomen.


It's football pants. They are made of an elastic fabric that facilitates movement. The material adheres completely to the player's legs and is designed to place both the boards and the knee pads inside.


They tend to be uncomfortable for players, but their use is still mandatory. It seeks to prevent the most severe blows to the legs. The famous "paralytic." It is used on the front side of the thighs.


Its use is not mandatory. In fact, many players overlook it because of the discomfort involved in mobilizing with the accessory. However, it is a piece that protects from impacts in the middle of the legs.


Over the covers, on both sides, the flaps are applied. Its purpose is marked by its very name: to cushion the most accurate blows to the kidneys, one of the areas that suffer the most in football.

The coxera and the shell

They're both designed to protect very sensitive areas. Some special covers already include coxera with the intention of avoiding the acute pain caused by falls when the impact occurs there. The shell, on the other hand, beyond the fact that blows to the testicles are not the most common in sport, are essential when these impacts occur.

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